My father's businesses had been shut down during the investigation, and once he was found guilty and convicted of the multiple charges against him, the remaining board members had broken down all of his holdings and sold them off to satisfy the court rulings. A bulk of those funds had been confiscated by the State since it was illegally gained in the first place and that was alright by me. I had my business degree and I'm sure that I can find a job somewhere. I wasn't worried about that.

"Are you ready to go home, son?" I heard Dilly's father, Mr. Larsen's deep voice ask over the low hum of the conversations going on around us. Dilly hopped down and turned his tear stained face towards his dad and gave the big man a watery smile.

I could only nod my head in response. Dillon had explained to me that his father had bought us a small two bedroom, two bathroom condo located not too far from his house for us. We were going home, our home, somewhere that was all ours and just the thought of such a place after being imprisoned for over a year was mind boggling to me.

I don't know how parolees coped with living on the outside after spending years upon years inside a place where you had to have permission to do anything and everything. Where you were told when to wake up and when to go sleep. A place where you had to constantly be looking over your shoulder, and not trusting anyone around you for fear they might hurt you over something as simple as toothpaste.

Now I'm free to do whatever I want, go wherever I want, and the only thing I wanted to do was take Dillon home, strip his gorgeous body out of his mouth watering, dark gray slim fit suit and worship every square inch of his delectable skin I haven't been able to touch for so many months. My cock throbbed behind the zipper of my dress slacks and all of a sudden, I was in a hurry to go home. I grabbed Dilly by his hand and quickly thanked the men surrounding us for all of their help. No way would I have made it to this point without any of them fighting for me to have my freedom, to have the chance to hold my Dilly in my arms.

I slowed down long enough to hug Isaac and his husband Royce. I shook Agent Rodriguez aka Papi's hand and nodded at the rest of the agents in attendance. Dilly let go of my hand to wrap his slender arms around his father's waist. It was like all the men in attendance picked up on the fact that I wanted to spend my first night alone with my little love because no one offered for us to go out to celebrate this awesome victory as a group. We filed out of the courtroom, Diablo and Agent Rodriguez and his men surrounded us like a human wall of muscle. I understood why when we hit the steps of the courthouse and a flock of news reporters started shouting questions and taking pictures of us.

We kept going, but Royce and Isaac stayed behind to answer the press core's questions. Dillon and I were shuffled into a huge SUV with tinted windows, Diablo and Agent Rodriguez crammed into the vehicle with us and then we were off. I'm free, my mind repeated the words over and over again as I watched the landscape fly by as we were taken towards our new home. Dillon sat quietly huddled into my side, holding my hand while my thumb played across the delicate skin over his knuckles. His sweet clean scent intoxicated me with every in drawn breath. My cock was hard and already leaking with the thought of finally being able to be alone with him. This trip home wasn't going fast enough for me.

To distract myself and trying in vain to bring my body back under control. I focused instead on the information Isaac had shared with me in regards to what happened to the pricks who assaulted me. He'd outright told me that I'll never have to worry about them ever again. As it seems, they were on the Commissioners payroll and they went down right along with the sniveling man. But not before Papi's still undercover agents had gotten to them first and had dished out there own brand of prison justice. Needless to say, they won't ever have the ability to sexually molest anyone ever again. I doubt they'll ever be able to take a straight piss again, standing upright at least after the ass whipping they'd received from those big, burly agents.

The Warden had written off the incident as a prison fight gone bad, and Diablo's statement as head guard documented that the so called fight had occurred in an unoccupied area of the prison where they had no business being in the first place, therefore, it had taken some time for the injured men to be located and treated for their injuries, such a shame.

The SUV stopped in front of a nice brick building and Dilly started to squirm in his seat with excitement as Diablo opened the back door of the vehicle for us to get out. The building wasn't huge, it was one of the newer ones recently built in the area, and Dilly was quickly pulling me towards the main entrance as we followed behind Diablo's massive form. We entered the building and Dilly barely managed to wave at the person sitting behind the security desk as he steered me towards the open elevator doors. We got on and Diablo took a protective stance in front of the us as Dillon rattled off amenities of the building like the security desk we just passed and the underground parking garage.

But none of that barely registered in my head. I was too busy studying the prettiest thing I've ever seen my life. The way my Dilly looked when he's excited about something, the sparkle in those gorgeous eyes of his. The smile curving those pretty pink lips, and the cock stirring flush gracing his flawless skin made me absolutely ache with the need to be inside of him.

Shifting in my stance to ease the pressure against my hard on, I barely managed to suppress the animalistic groan of pure, unadulterated desire from bubbling up out of my throat. I just wanted to be alone with him already, and I guess my little love sensed my projecting desires because his words trickled off almost mid sentence. He looked up at me through those long, lush lashes with his cute little face flushing bright red all over again for reasons other than his excitement over showing me our new home.

The elevator dinged on the fifth floor and we all excited the lift and turned right down the carpeted hallway. Diablo pulled a set of keys from his pocket and we came to a stop in front of what I assumed was our condo. He opened the door and preceded us inside. A wave of heat flashed over the surface of my skin and as much as I appreciated my friend, I wanted him gone. It took another few minutes for Diablo to check over the small, but cozy condo. From what I could see, Dillon's sense of style was stamped all over the place already and I truly felt like my heart couldn't swell anymore with all the feels it's been put through today.

"Alright guys, everything is where it's supposed to be and it's time for me to bid you farewell for now. Remember, the media is still looking to get to you guys. Isaac is handling most of it, but I wouldn't put anything past the paparazzi. Don't answer any calls you don't now and let the building's security screen all your guests. Those who belong here will get in, like myself and your dad, Dilly. Good to see you home, buddy." Diablo said as he patted me on the shoulder before he stepped out into the hallway. The big man closed and locked the door behind himself, finally sealing Dillon and I inside alone.

Turning my razor sharp gaze on my little love, I watched as he nervously licked his lips and made an attempt to step away from me. My hand shot out and caught him by the wrist and I pulled him flush against my body. "Oh no baby boy, I don't need a tour, food, to be shown how anything works, or anything else that might postpone the fact that all I need right now is to be buried so deep inside your luscious body that you won't know where I start or where you end." I boldly stated and watched those big, pretty eyes dilated wide open for me.

Leaning forward, I kissed the tip of his pert little nose. "There's only one thing you need to show me and that's where in this condo is our bedroom located. Unless you want me to take right here in the hallway." I kissed his plump bottom lip before tugging the enticing bit of flesh into my mouth and nipping it. "Because baby, I don't have a problem with that." I laughed as Dilly let out a sweet little whimper before he turned and practically dragged me by the hand down the hallway towards our room. 

Fight for You (2015 Camp Nanowrimo Winner) Love Locked Down, Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat