Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I jumped off him when he tried to start tickling me again and quickly ran back to the safety of the beach. He followed me to the beach and we both sat down breathless. "You know we should probably head back."

"Really?" I groaned out knowing my mother was going to freak when she saw that I was soaked. Especially since she would have to pick out a new outfit for me to wear, and do my hair all over again.

"You should laugh some more, after everything that's happened you don't laugh very much. It's nice to hear, and I want to hear it more." My breath caught in my voice at the tone of his voice. When I looked over his eyes were on me, and I could see the love shining through his eyes.

"Hey lovebirds, the fire is going and the pack is waiting on you," Jonah yelled and we both looked over to see him coming towards us down the beach. Kieran sighed as he stood up.

"You're mother is going to kill me," he said as he held his hand out for me to take and helped me up from the ground. I kept hold of his hand as we started walking towards Jonah. He laughed when he caught sight of us, especially the shirt that was in Keiran's hand.

"Her mother is going to kill you Kieran. She's been looking for her the last ten minutes, and now you've ruined all her hard work." Kieran rolled his eyes before giving Jonah a sheepish smile, and he just laughed as he walked alongside us to where the ceremony was being held.


The moment had finally come, I was being accepted into Kieran's pack once and for all. I was excited and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was also nervous too because my palms were sweating. I don't know exactly how this was going to happen. Of course my mother hadn't been happy when she'd seen me after Kieran and I had gotten back from the beach.

She had to redo all my hair and make-up and then she had to pick out another outfit for me to wear. She'd picked a white dress that was halter styled and hugged all of the right curves. I knew Kieran would like the sight of me in the dress. We'd had to delay the ceremony even more while my mother was getting me ready, which means by the time I'd finally reached the edge of the ceremony darkness had settled in the forest. The fire in the middle of the all the people illuminated the clearing that the ceremony was being held in.

A make-shift stage was standing in front of the crowd and Kieran was standing next to it his eyes scanning the crowd until they managed to find me just outside of the trees in the clearing. He climbed on to the stage and everybody's eyes were quickly drawn to him, but his eyes never strayed from mine. "As you know tonight is a special occasion. Not only are we accepting a new member into the pack, we are also accepting a luna into our pack. The person who is mean to lead this pack by my side. I would like you all to welcome my mate Jazmyn Thorn to our pack." He said as he swept his arm out to gesture to me.

All eyes turned to me as the created an opening that lead me to the stage. My face was burning as I walked through the crowd, I wasn't use to having the entire pack's eyes on me all at once. I made my way to the stage where Kieran and jumped off and was waiting for me. His outstretched waiting for me to take it. As soon as I was in arm's length I grabbed his hand he pulled me to his side. The entire pack started clapping at the gesture, and I smiled at the acceptance I saw in every person's eyes as I looked around.


The next part the of the ceremony continued a few minutes later. A line of wolves formed in front of my wolf form as I took in the scent of each wolf in the pack. Committing them all the memory as slowly the pack mind link started forming in my head with every scent that I took in. Kieran stood next to me, and everytime my eyes met his I could see the sense of pride that was filling his eyes.

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