Chapter Twelve

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"There's some things I need to tell you before you decided whether you're happy to see me or not." He stopped in the middle of the road once I'd finished speaking. His confusion grew before his eyes flashed back to my parents, he was guessing it had something to do with them coming to bring me back. "Kieran I'd like you to meet my parents. The alpha pair of the Royal Pack." I said smiling I was walked over and took my mother's hand moved her over to stand in front of Kieran.

She smiled at him and I could tell that he was excited to be meeting my mate, my father stepped up behind my mother. Putting his hand on her waist ready to pull her back in case Kieran reacted badly to the news of them being my parents. "That's not possible," he said looking between them and me. I'm guessing he was putting together the familiar features, but the most distinguishing feature was my green eyes. That matched my mother's perfectly. "The Royal Pack lost the heir to the pack years ago when my father had attacked. That's what he said, and that's what they'd announced."

"The people who were coming after me were the ones behind the attack on the Royal Pack. They used magic to influence your father's hate of the Royal Pack, and they used magic to make him attack the Royal Pack. Really they were the ones behind the attack. They wanted me dead because of how powerful my wolf is. They were scared that I would fight back against them, and they knew I'd win because of the strength my wolf had. They wanted to suppress my wolf so I'd never gain the power of her wolf."

"So the witches were after you the entire time, and they're the reason that my father was killed in the attack on your pack," he said looking at the people standing next to me.

"It wasn't there fault Kieran," I said stepping forward his eyes went to me. "They tried to stop it, it was why they sent me into hiding. They didn't know who the real people were behind the attack until it was already happening. They thought it was your father so they took me to the witches to suppress my wolf. They were worried for my safety. A witch had seen how strong I was. They made up a prophecy that if I found my mate that you'd kill me. They knew you were my mate, but my parents didn't know that I wasn't actually in danger from you. Which is why they tried to hide me as long as possible from you. The witches were the one controlling everything we were just pawns in their game."

"Who's to say they won't do it again. They could use their magic on somebody else and make them attack the Royal Pack again."

"No they won't. I made sure of that. I killed the person behind everything, well my wolf did anyway. She wanted the blood of the people who had kept her hidden for so long. These are my parents Kieran, they want to see me happy with my mate. They wanted to meet you, and they wanted to make sure that the past was behind us. Please Kieran don't blame them." I said standing in front of him, he looked at me for a second before pulling me into his body and wrapping his arms around my body.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as you're by my side no matter what." He said he spoke into my ear, I smiled at his words and pulled myself closer to him by wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. He pulled away a moment later and I stood by his side as he faced my parents. "It's good to meet you, I'm glad that you're the parents I get to meet other than the person I'd met before." I could see the sadness that crossed their faces at the mention of the person who had been taking care of me my entire life.

He had been a good friends of theirs and it had hurt them to hear what he'd done to me before Kieran was able to stop him, but I knew they were grateful that Kieran had stepped in anyway. Even if they were hurt at the idea of what Kieran had done, they knew it was for the best.

"We're glad we finally got to meet you too. I always knew my daughter was going to marry an Alpha, but I never knew if I was actually going to know her when that day came. It's good to actually know her, and her mate." My mom said as she bounded forwarded and took Kieran by surprise as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. He returned it hesitantly and awkwardly patted her on the back as she hugged him. He was looking at me over her shoulder and it took all I had to hold in the laugh that was threatening to break free at the look on his face. He wasn't use to people hugging him all of a sudden.

My mom pulled away from her smile stretching across her face as she looked at me proudly. I don't think I would ever get use to the look of pride on her eye when she looked at me. "Why don't we continue our trip up to the house and we can relax there for a little bit and talk some more?" My father suggested as he grabbed my mom's hand and pulled him back towards her. I think she was trying to get her to contain her excitement just a little bit, he'd seen how uncomfortable Kieran was when she'd hugged him.

"That's a great idea, Kieran and I will meet you there. First we need to go on a run," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the trees. When I looked back my mom was smiling, and my dad was shaking his head and pulling her towards the car. As soon as the door was closed the car continued down the road towards the pack house. "It's good to be back," I said as I looked around the woods and basked in the sounds of the peaceful forest. I enjoyed the birds chirping and the sound of the wind running through the trees.

"I'm glad your back too," Kieran said as he pulled me to a stop and turned me to look at him. There was a smile on his face and I couldn't help but return it. "There's been something I've been meaning to do since I met you."

"Oh yeah what's that," I said I smiled and looked up at him as he pulled me into his arms.

"This," he said as he quickly dipped his head and pressed his lips to mine for the first time. I enjoyed the fireworks that seemed to be shooting off inside my body as he pulled my close to him. Tingles shot through my body where his hands touched me. I pulled him closer to me, my hands at the back of his neck were curled into his hair. He pulled away a moment later. Resting his forehead against mine we both caught our breath for a minute and Kieran had a smile on his face.

"Was it everything you expected to be?" I asked him curious about what he was thinking at the moment.

"And so much more," he said smiling at me before taking a step back. "Now why don't we start that run you promised me," he laughed at the pouting face I was making me as he pulled me along beside him. We both went behind separate trees to change. I don't think I was brave enough to take my clothes off in front of him. When I came out his dark silver wolf was waiting for me. I pressed my light silver fur covered body up against his before gently nipping at his tail and taking off into the woods. I heard him following close behind me a second later.


Not really going to worry about posting an author note to every chapter. Since I'll mostly be uploading these chapters one after another. I won't bore you with author notes.

Let me know what you think!

Song of the chapter is Losing Your Memory by Ryan Star which is from Vampire Diaries for anybody whose seen that show. I'm sad they're filming the last season. I'll definitely miss Damon.







When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz