Chapter 62

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Walking Through the Time Capsule 

Chapter 62




When I woke up the next morning, I glanced around to find that I was the first and only one up. I took the opportunity to have a private moment with my girl.

"Good morning, Princess." I whispered into her ear, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. "Happy birthday."

I shifted so she was comfortably laying next to me, rather than on top of me. I was careful of her injuries, same as last night, and held her close. I let the relief fill my bones as I let the feeling of peace spread through me. That was the best sleep I had gotten in about a month. Not a single nightmare, or bad thought, plagued me.

My heart still felt that subtle thud of sadness being pumped through my veins, but most of me was so happy to have her safe and in my arms. I just wished everything could've been different. Not just this recent kidnapping, but her whole life. I wished there was a do-over button, and I could transfer all the shit cards she was dealt onto my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl." I brushed some stray hairs off her cheeks. "I'll make this all up to you somehow. That's a promise." I said with determination in my voice.

Once this was all officially over and in the past, I would do everything I could to make it better, to make her better. I'll never be able to erase what's been done, but I would do what it took to glaze it over with love and happiness. That was all she deserved in life.

I was broken from my thoughts by a groan coming from the cot on the left side of the hospital bed.

"Good morning." Harry said in a gruff voice, eyes still closed as he stretched his limbs.

"Morning. Did you sleep well on that?" I asked.

"Like shit. But, it was for a good cause." He mumbled, finally opening his eyes and meeting my gaze. "You look more rested than you have all month." He commented.

"Yeah, well, I've been dying to lay with her since the moment she was gone. It's impossible for me to sleep without her after everything."

"I get it." He said in understanding. "I'm gonna head down to the cafe to get breakfast for everyone. Want anything specific?" He asked, standing up and pulling a sweatshirt over his head.

"Anything's fine." I said simply, averting my attention back to my Annabelle.

He left the room without a word, leaving me with silence for only a brief moment before her nurse came through the door.

"Good morning." She whispered to me, taking note of the other sleeping bodies in the room.

"Good morning, Nurse Kelly." I greeted the kind middle aged woman who'd been looking after Annabelle.

"Just coming in to do the usual morning checkups." She explained to me, since this was the first morning I'd been able to be here since she was admitted a few days ago. "Do you want a short run down of what I'm doing?" She asked kindly, having come to know that I always like to be up to speed on anything involving my Princess.

"No, that's alright. I went through this before, in Ireland." I reminded her, ignoring the hollowness that crept into my chest at the memory.

She nodded, and I reluctantly got out of the bed, giving her the room she needed.

"Good morning, Annabelle. And happy birthday, darling girl." She said softly.

I hovered next to the bed, watching as the nurse switched out various IV bags, checked all the machines, and wrote down some things.

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