Chapter 35

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Walking Through the Time Capsule

Chapter 35





It came around a lot quicker than I thought it would. Either that, or the nerves made time fly. I was sitting on the hood of my car, dressed in black jeans and a nice shirt. It reminded me a lot of one of Harry's dumb shirts, that I'll never admit to him I secretly like. I could feel my palms getting clammy every time I checked my phone and she still wasn't out here. 


Still no sign of her. 

A small part of me worried that Melanie wouldn't be able to coax her out of the room. Worst case, I'd have to go and get her. Considering she wouldn't talk to me though, I'd have to blurt it out here, and ruin my nice plans. I was going to take her back to Santa Monica Pier. I wanted to try to replicate our first date, and maybe see if that sparked more memories. Whether it did or not, I was gonna take her on the Ferris Wheel and confess with a kiss. Just like I did last time. There were no carnivals around LA at the time, that I knew of, so I figured Santa Monica was the best way to go. Plus, she loved it there. All I needed for her was to show up now. 


The nerves and anxiety were eating me up alive. I was just about to give up hope and go back inside, but the front door opening caused my breath to catch. At the sight of Harry popping out, I didn't bother to mask my annoyed groan. 

"Happy to see you too, mate." He chirped as he made his way down the driveway. 

"Don't sit on my- ..and he sits on my car." I gruffly narrated as he plopped on my hood next to me. 

"You're looking quite dashing." 

"It's like your begging me to punch you."

"You wouldn't."

"I've done it before."


"What the fuck do you want?" I huffed. 

"To chat."

"Wow, it's my lucky day." I rolled my eyes. 

"Melanie told us."

"I bet." I wasn't in the mood. At all. "Look, it seems I'm getting stood up, and I'm not really looking for your company right now." I said, trying not to sound as rude as I probably did. 

"Hey," he put his hands up in defense, "all I wanted to tell you was that it took a while for Mel to convince Annabelle to leave the house. The girls are finishing getting her ready, and Melanie wanted me to come let you know."

Just like that, my mood shifted, and I felt more airy than I did before. "Phew, thanks. I was really getting nervous over here." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

"It's just Annabanna. No need to get nervous." He grinned, patting my shoulder. 

"That's the thing though." I sighed, looking down at my shaking hands. "It's not just Annabelle. It's Annabelle. My everything. My best friend. My Princess, my soulmate. The love of my life. I've lost her so many times. I've done things I'm awfully ashamed of, and I've had so many second chances. This is a situation where I can't do anything wrong, or she'll slip through my fingers again. And if I lose her one more time, I won't be able to live with myself."

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