Chapter 16

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Walking Through the Time Capsule

Chapter 16




"I want you to know, that it's our time.

You and me bleed the same light.

I want you to know, that I'm all yours.

You and me run the same course."

I scrunched my face up weirdly as I heard the music, along with Harry's voice, blasting through the apartment. I fiddled with my keys and opened up the front door to see Harry jumping and dancing on the couch. I stood there in shock for a few seconds, just watching him. The bass drop in the song hit, and he went nuts with girly head banging, while still jumping.

"I go out for groceries, and this is what you do?"

He yelped and fell off the couch, extremely startled by my presence. "Shit, man, don't scare me like that!" He clutched his chest, winded.

"And you don't think I was scared to walk in the apartment to see you raging like a teenage girl on our couch?" I scoffed. "And Selena Gomez? Really?"

"What? She's fit." He defended.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to put all the bags on the kitchen counter. "Please tell me you got my taco shells." He said while walking over and peeking into a bag.

"I got the soft burrito wraps."

"What?" He whined. "I told you to get the hard shells. Hence why I said taco not burrito." He complained.

"It was an accident, sorry." I said before smirking. "But I'm glad I did get the soft ones cause there's nothing hard about you." I joked, gesturing to the living room where I caught him unleashing his inner female.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He glared. He went back over to the stereo, and put on Imagine Dragons new album, before coming back over to help me put away all the food.

It had been a full week since we got here. Tomorrow was the first of September, and I couldn't believe it. This summer had been one of the craziest summers of my life, and went by faster than I could process it. Everyone was excited for tomorrow because it was Labor day, and they were throwing a party to celebrate like 'true' Americans. Or, at least they were attempting. And by party, the eight of them were just barbecuing and hanging out by their pool.

I thought it was stupid, since none of us even knew what the holiday was about, but to be honest, I was more bitter about the fact that I wouldn't be going. Harry offered to skip out and stay here to have a guys day, but I told him he didn't have to. I didn't care too much to be honest. This whole week had been crazy with unpacking and adventuring, and I honestly just wanted to be alone for a few hours. 

The week had been fun for everyone. Even me. We had a few days of just being lazy in the house and apartment, but we did our fair share of exploring. Everywhere we went, we followed up with our buddy system. It was perfect because not only was it a good disguise from Annabelle for me to not be alone, but it was also a good way for everyone to bond and alternate with some one on one time. And let's be honest, eights a crowd. It would be hard to get around in huge groups. Louis told me that Annabelle just kept alternating between Melanie and Eleanor. She still wasn't comfortable enough to be alone with any of the boys.

Speaking of Annabelle, luckily there were no other incidents. I was worried of a Venice repeat happening, but it didn't. But as for her almost seeing me, we almost had a bad situation at the Griffith Observatory. Everywhere else had huge crowds and lots of places to venture off to, but with the Observatory, there's not many places to hide in one small building. So Melanie, who was with her at the time, had to constantly text me back and forth about our whereabouts. It all worked out fine in the end. The only incident was when me and Zayn were up on the roof's balcony, and they came up the stairs. She looked right at me, but luckily it was from a distance, and Zayn and I ducked down too quickly for her to see either of us. Mel had seen us and signaled us to leave once she brought Annabelle to the other side of the roof and away from the stairs.

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