Chapter 61

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Walking Through the Time Capsule

Chapter 61




"Just say the first one that comes to your mind then." Louis said. 

"No." I shook my head. "It doesn't work that way." I was really struggling with this. I had to think of the perfect memory. 

"Niall, just let it come to you naturally." Melanie gave me a reassuring smile. 

I moved my gaze over to Annabelle's face. I brushed the hair that fell over her closed eyes behind her ear. The Rapunzel crown still sat perfectly on her head, framing her face and making her look like a sleeping beauty, bruises and all. Memories started playing through my brain like a movie. Memories of us as children, growing up together and taking over our small world of Mullingar. Memories of falling in love, and being together, obviously stuck out over all. My mind finally stuck on one, leaving it to play before my eyes. 

"I have it." A small smile spread faintly across my lips.

"What is it?" Harry asked, as all my friends leaned forward anxiously, faces full of curiosity. 

I let a few moments of silence pass, just staring at her precious face, before I started speaking. 

"It was over a year ago. Exactly a month after we finally become a couple." I let myself become immersed in the memory. "We were at my house, making a pillow fort like we always did as kids..."


"Niall! You can't put that there!" She squealed, yanking the pillow out of my hands.

"Why not?"

"Because it's too heavy, and it'll make the blankets fall down." She said as if it was obvious. 

"No it won't." I scoffed, dropping my now empty hands. "I'll prove it." I took the pillow back.

"NO!" She shrieked as I placed the pillow on top of the two parallel couch cushions. 

However, just as she said, the large pillow fell right through the crack, taking the blankets down with it. It was only a matter of seconds before the quilt ceiling caved in on her. 

"Well shit." I snorted. 

I heard her start giggling. "See, I told you! Now it's ruined." I could practically hear the pout on her face. 

"I'm sorry, darlin'. You were right."

"I always am." She said smugly. 

"I know, I know." I held my hands up in surrender, even though she couldn't see. 

"I can't see anything." She cutely laughed, leaving me breathless. 

"You don't say." I teased. 

"Come find me." 

I heard her giggle again, just before I heard the ruffling of blankets. I started scooting under the quilts, feeling around for any sign of body heat. I banged into what felt like a wall, and heard her start laughing again.

"Go ahead, laugh at my pain." I mocked annoyance. "Jokes on you though, your noise is leading me right to you."

At my words, I heard her immediately try to stifle her giggles, but her attempts proved to be futile since I could sense her laugh attack slowly approaching. After shuffling around for a few more moments, I felt her close. 

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