Chapter 18

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Walking Through the Time Capsule

Chapter 18




"Dude, you look like you just ran a marathon." Harry snidely commented from his spot on the couch.

I huffed and threw my keys on the coffee table, before plopping down next to him. "Well, I feel like I just ran one."

"How was the house?" He questioned.

"Absolutely incredible. Wow." I breathed. "No wonder you ditch me, and leave me alone all day, to go hang over there."

"Sorry, mate."

"No you're not."

"You're right. I'm not." He chuckled. "So what did Louis need your help with?"

"He basically sat there and watched me assemble his barbecue for him." I sneered.

"Ah, typical Lou." He nodded. "So would that be why you were all out of breath when you came in?" He asked nonchalantly as he turned back towards the TV.

"They all came home from the beach early while we were in Annabelle's room."

He snapped his head back to me, ten times more interested. "Well shit, what happened?"

"Louis ran downstairs to try and distract her while I hid in Melanie's closet. She ended up going in there with Mel, and she definitely would have seen me if Melanie hadn't first, and helped me out. So, to answer your question, I was all out of breath because I tore ass runnin' out of that place." I chuckled, using humor to calm my anxiety.

"Well good thing she didn't see you. I don't think she's ready yet. She still seems so scared and fragile under her smile when I see her."

We sat for a moment of silence before I remembered the other thing I needed to tell him. "She remembered something!" I blurted out loudly, causing him to flinch.

"She what?!" The excitement grew on his face.

"Louis was telling me how she's subconsciously remembering her past love for baking."

"Really? Wow, that's amazing! I never knew she baked though?"

I continued to tell him everything I told Louis about her favorite hobby. Everything about the book and how we used to cook together. I could tell that this news brought a newfound happiness to him, as it did me and Louis. We talked about a few more random things, and before we knew it, eleven thirty came around. I said my goodnights to him, while he stayed on the couch, claiming to not be tired yet. I, on the other hand, was exhausted from the events of today.

Once I was ready for bed, I laid down and stared at the ceiling for about a minute before I rolled to my side to stare out the window. My eye caught sight of a picture frame I had on my bedside table. Sitting up on my elbow, I reached over to grab the picture. A small smile graced my lips as I looked down at it.

It was a picture we took while we were on our first date. Probably one of the best days of my life. We were standing in front of the Ferris wheel after I had asked a random man to take the picture for us. I had my arms wrapped around her, while she stood in front of me, holding the little stuffed dolphin in her hands. The same dolphin that got me through my melt down most of this summer.

With a smile still on my lips, I placed the frame back on my table and closed my eyes. Within a few minutes, I fell into the most peaceful sleep I had since she went into a coma. A sleep filled with hope for once, instead of my usual nightmares.

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