"Uhm, yeah, if you like it, I was going to put it on a canvas," I reply as I chew my bottom lip and look at the notebook in his hand. "Do you really like it?"

"I love it, Sebastian, honestly. Do you have any other drawings I could look at?"

"Uhm," I rub the back of my neck. "Sure," I walk to my desk and look at the framed painting for a second before I pick it up and take it back to James who still sits on the window sill. "What do you think of this one?"

James looks at the framed picture for two seconds before his eyes widen and he gasps. "This is me. I mean my wolf. When did you do this?" He looks up at me with a shocked expression.

"A few years ago. That's the painting I did from memory from my dream,"

"Sebastian, if I didn't already believe you about the dream, this definitely would have made me a believer," James says as he looks back at the painting. "Oh my goddess, this is amazing,"

I smile and move back to my desk to pull open one of the drawers. Then I pull out another sketch book. This sketch book is full to the brim with drawings and paintings I have done. The edges of the hardcovered book are worn down to no longer be pointed but instead dull. Some of the loose-leaf drawings I have done stick out of the book to show corners and random smudges of colors. I move back to James whose eyes light up in excitement like a child would on Christmas upon seeing all the presents under the Christmas tree.

"Is that for me?" He asks with a big toothy smile.

"No, but you can look at it." I correct.

"Eh, look, have, same thing," James comments before he snatches the book from me.

I smile and take the framed picture of his wolf and place it back on my desk. Then I lean against the desk and cross my arms across my chest as I watch him take his time looking at every single piece of art in the book. I don't know why, but watching James look at my artwork with such fascination while taking time to look at every piece thoroughly makes me extremely happy.

"Sebastian," James mutters as his face disappears behind the book. "Your fucking amazing,"

My heart leaps in my chest at the compliment. "Thanks," I whisper.

"Goddess," James mutters again, his face still buried in the book. "You could make good money off your artwork, Sebastian. Not that I'm saying you should sell any of these, but if you ever needed the extra cash, this is definitely one way to get it quickly. I'd buy all of your work if you let me,"

I smile and walk over to him to kiss his forehead, he barely glances up at me before he looks back at the drawing of a warrior wolf I drew just over the summer. The wolf is drawn in black inked pen. The wolf looks more like a rabid wolf from a movie with its wide eyes, untamed hair, long finger nails, and large daggered teeth. The wolf is a warrior so he has a bangle on his wrist and upper arm, along with an ax in one hand. Swords point at him and arrows stab into his back but the wolf does not back down because he is a warrior.

**A/N: This is what he is looking at! I do not know the author of this picture, it is NOT my artwork but I imagined this is what Sebastian drew!**

**A/N: This is what he is looking at! I do not know the author of this picture, it is NOT my artwork but I imagined this is what Sebastian drew!**

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"What was the inspiration behind this one?" James asks quietly.

I shrug my shoulders as I run my finger delicately across the page. "I don't know. But he is a warrior. He was either protecting something he loved, or fighting for something he believed in. See the arrows stuck in his back? He keeps fighting despite them. And he doesn't even care that there are tons of swords pointed at him, he just keeps fighting,"

"You really like wolves, don't you," He comments as he sets the book next to him and pulls me onto his lap.

"No, I love them, but I love your wolf more than any other wolf," I say and kiss his cheek.

"My wolf loves you too," He replies with a smile. Then he gently kisses me on the lips. "Should we go make those muffins now?"

"But the power is still out,"

"No it's not," He says with a toothy grin. "It came back on when you were telling me for the millionth time to stop moving,"

"How do you know?" I ask with a playful glare.

"I heard the heat come on," Then he stands up with me still in his arms. "Now, muffin time,"

I laugh and lock my hands together behind his neck as I allow him to carry me from my room.

Sebastian (BoyXBoy, Werewolf)(Book 2) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now