Chapter Fifteen

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A/N- Hey guys! Last chapter was kind of a cliffhanger, so I hope you're excited for this part! Enjoy! After this, there is two or three more parts left then DONE! Haha Oh! THIS CHAPTER MIGHT GET A BIT DARK TOWARDS THE END BUT NO TOO MUCH SINCE I"M ONLY 13 LOL OKAY

- Sarah

Chapter Fifteen

Charlotte's POV

"This is the only chance we have, Charlotte," Chase whispered, his lips close to my ear, causing his minty breath to fan across my face. "Harley is planning on taking Amity, and the whole base somewhere else, so he can live out his sick fantasy of being the most powerful Alpha."

I nodded in understanding, but his soothing words barley did anything to calm my frantic nerves. I nervously glanced down the dark hallway, jumping slightly at each shadow, expecting it to be someone ready to kill us. Chase and I had devised a plan late at night while everyone was asleep to snatch Amity back. It wasn't a good plan at all, but the only shot of getting Amity and ourselves out of here before morning. He would simply knock on Harley's door and fake that there was some kind of emergency. While they were gone, I would grab Amity, and high tail it out of there. I bombarded Chase with questions on how he was supposed to escape if he would be with Harley, but all I received was a shrug and,"I have to find Elliot first."

"This won't work," I answered in a shaky voice,"We'll get caught."

"There is no other way. By tomorrow, everyone in this base, including Amity and us, will be half way across the country."

I opened my mouth, but no words escaped my lips. Chase was right! What else were we supposed to do? I prayed to the Fates that they were on our side.

As we sharply turned a corner, I collided with a body, which would of sent me toppling towards the floor if Chase hadn't encased me on his arms. I couldn't say the same for the other person, because she landed hard on the tile floor with a loud,"Oomph."

Gasping, I took a step back, retreating farther into Chase's chest. We had been caught! This rouge on patrol would ask us what we are doing wandering the halls, then send us scampering back to our room, no Amity in hand. I felt my world come tumbling down in that second.

"Watch where you are going, Charlotte," the girl on the floor hissed.

The girl lifted her head up, golden brown hair falling away from her tan face, to reveal a disgruntled looking Dakota. She looked at my dumbfounded expression for a second more, before Dakota's gaze shifted to Chase, who stood protectively behind me. A growl ripping from her chest, Dakota rose to her feet, getting into her defensive stance.

"What are you doing, Charlotte! He's the enemy!"

I raise my hands up, attempting to calm Dakota, and keep her from doing something stupid.

"Dakota, first off: How did you get here? Secondly, you don't know the whole story, so just calm down, and I'll explain everything," I cooed, soothingly.

"I know enough. He's working for Harley, the sick-" Dakota attempted to say, before Chase came around me, and threw his hand over her mouth.

"Be quiet," he hushed.

That's when I heard it; two pair of footsteps approaching our direction at a quick pace. My eyes widened, glancing at Chase with a hopeful expression that he knew what to do. I saw his eyes clench tightly for a second, brain scattering for a way out of this.

Before I could even register it, Chase had his hand locked securely over my wrist with his other hand wrapped around a struggling Dakota's waist. He dragged us back around the corner we came from, shoving us into a tight musky supplies closet.

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