In trouble but who cares

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You were really surprised how sweet and goofy Jeff actually was. He took you to a small tree house which he proudly made himself before he lived in the mansion and took you inside. It was well decorated and even had electricity which he managed to steal. You played lots of fun games including chardes which only made you laugh as Jeff pranced around bending backwards slightly trying to do an impression of a pregnant women.

You both were so lost in having fun  that you completely forgot about curfew and your date lasted until 2am.

You stood up as you both heard slender screaming your names, telling you to get inside. He was at the main entrance so you decided to sneak around the back.

"Thanks for tonight. Cheered me up alot" you smiled.

"No problem y/n. We should do it again"

"What? And see you fall every 5 seconds. Wouldn't miss it"

You both started to get closer. Your faces were inches apart and you could feel yourself going red as he leaned in to kiss you and you were ready to kiss back until...

"Jeffery! Y/n! There you are" the lights flickered on and slender was standing there. You both quickly moved away from each other.

"We were just about to go to bed" Jeff tried to look casual

Slender crossed his arms. "Yeah. I could totally see that happening. Now leave before I change my mind"

You and jeff made your separate ways , got changed and slumped on your beds.

You were just falling asleep when you received a text. You groaned and picked up your phone only  to reveal that the text was from from Jeff.

"Goodnight y /n ...speak soon"

You smiled and shut off your phone.  Turning over and shutting your eyes. Falling to sleep.

Stitched Kisses (Jeff X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora