Chapter 15

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My mouth is dry and I can’t take my eyes of his. I should have known better! Of course he is here , Nick is his friend. I should have thought about that, he came to that party, of course he would come here. I should have not come. My feelings for him are still really fresh, and no matter how mad I am, I miss him, or at least, I miss the person that a week ago prepared the most thoughtful date I have ever seen.

“Meg are you okay?” Samantha wakes me up from my deep thoughts making me leave Harry’s eyes.

I try to seem the most natural I can. I feel the emptiness on my chest increasing. I try to smile at Greg’s story but I can’t listening to it, Harry’s words play in my head.  Don’t you think if I was playing a sort of game I would already given up, because I can tell you are no easy! You are different!

I feel the water trying to force its way on my eyes. I’m not letting this happen! I've done nothing but cry. Harry has already ruined a lot , I won't let him ruined this dinner too. This is the closer I have to friends here, without them I have no one. I have to be strong.

I stop my thoughts and I try to listen to Greg and laugh with him.

Harry's POV:

As soon as she looks away my heart breaks. I know she wouln't be pleased to see me, but I miss her. We didn't share a lot of moments, but all of them were special. The way she laughed. The way she looked at the window in the first meal we had together, like she wanted to keep everything she was seeing. The way her eyes shined when she saw us on the show. The way her cheeks blush so quickly.


And that dress. She looks perfect.

And there she is  thinking I've been playing her over and over. And here I am , a completely idiot, I practically forced Nick to let me come just to see her. I just want to talk to her , maybe if  I try to explain myself, she will understand what I did. Fuck, it has only been three weeks since that damn interview, she doesn't know me, she will not listen to me.

Nick leads me to them. As we approach the small group Nick greets them and Meg smiles at him. Not looking at me.

"So do you like the place?" Nick asks them and I just stand there, awkwardly.

"It's lovely Nick, who knew you are good at picking restaurants?" Meg says giving him a huge smile. I need to make her forgive me. I need to feel her lips one more time, just one last time at least.

Meg's POV:

Why is he even here now standing next to Nick? I bet it was only to mess with my head. He knows the effect he has in me, he does this on purpose.

I need to get away just for a minute. I can't stand this.

Without noticing I stand up and I quickly say that I'm going to the bathroom.

I wash my face, I take a minute, I take a deep breath before facing them again and fake happiness the rest of the evening.

As I close the bathroom door I feel someone pushing me to the bathroom. When I finally can see his face, all I want to do is run. Why does he always push me when I come from the bathroom or when I am going to one? I try to reach the door but his body stops me. I need to get away from him, I don't know what I will do if I stay here, I know where this can end, and I don't want to. Well I want to, I want it so bad it hurts, and that's why I can't.

"Let me go" I manage to say, trying once again to reach the door.

"No, not this time. You have to listen to me" He says, placing his hands in his pockets, a gesture that I know that means he is nervous.

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