Chapter 5

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“I’m sorry to interrupt, it wasn’t my intention.”- Niall says looking embarrassed as he closes the door.

“You weren’t interrupting Niall”- I try to say as I see his image fading.- “Give me my things back!”- I say to harry pulling my stuff from his enormous hands. Why was Niall so embarrassed, I have just met these guys, the five of them. It’s not like I’m going to talk to them again. But it breaks my heart seeing him this way. I should go talk to him right now.

As the thoughts run my mind I attempt to get to the door to go talk to Niall and explain myself. Even if I don’t know I need to. I just feel like I should.

The raspy hand reaches my arm and stops my movement.

“Are you mad or something? I really just did this to make you say why were you crying before we left.”- Harry says with a cute voice and with regret all over his face.

“It’s okay. Niall seemed not so comfortable though. I better go talk to him. And you will never know why I was crying!”- As the word leave my mouth I can see a smile growing in his.

“So you were crying! Busted!” - he takes a step closer to where I stand.

I laugh and I feel my stomach turning upside down when I realize how close we are.

He takes my hair into his hands and places it behind my ear. His movement makes my heart jump, and m mouth is dry. I force myself to don’t look to his lips.

“It’s okay, you will tell me. Believe me!”-he says as he pulls me closer and hugs me. He caresses my hair and the butterflies on my stomach return.

 All I can do is hug him back. 

As we let go of each other I make my way to the door and I instantly start searching for Niall. It was really an awkward situation, and I don’t want it to be. I don’t know why I feel this way but I just think I have to explain myself to him.

I decide to search at the dressing rooms. He is probably there.

I look after Niall’s name on the doors. It is the third door. I knock not sure of what I was going to say or why I was really there.

“Come in!” The soft voice says.

“Hi Niall! Can I talk to you just for a minute?” I say waiting for his permission close to the door.

“Yeah of course Meg!”

I wonder if he is always this nice with everyone. I really just know him for about two or three hours and he already talks to me like this.

“Look what I was trying to say when you left the other room… you know when you caught me and Harry in that position, or whatever you want to call it…”

“you really don’t need to tell me what you guys were doing, it’s none of my business” He interrupts me.

“Well but I want to. I don’t want any misunderstood! When we arrived from the restaurant I went to that room to go get my stuff, but harry didn’t let me. He took my things and said that he would only give them back to me if I’d tell him why I was crying. He started to run away from me and I just tried to reach him and my things, that’s why we were like that.”

As I finish my words I can tell that Niall is relieved. He just smiles.

“Look Meg I’m going to be really honest with you. I know we just met, but I think you should hear what I have to tell you.” His face suddenly became really serious. It’s hard to picture Niall as this serious because he is always so carefree, so loud, since I ‘met’ him three years ago.

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