1.10 | Things You Force Me To Do + Taking Back Control

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Posted on Dec 13, 2016 | Published April 11, 2018

Dedicated to razz03 . You are much loved ;) and thank you, always!

| . . . C H A P T E R . . . 1.10.1 - T H I N G S - Y O U - F O R C E - M E - T O - D O . . . |

I inhaled sharply to silence my running thoughts as he pulled up in front of what looked to be a summer house. He produced a set of keys from his pockets. "Let me guess, you own this as well?"

He grinned returning to his carefree self and shedding the heavy moments behind us, "Told you there was a lot about me you don't know."

"How do you have that kind of money?" It's a question of genuine curiosity. I knew from Kripa that he and Anjali stayed with her family growing up and that lead me to a simple assumption, his parents had to have passed away.

Were his parents rich? Kripa had never mentioned that. Then again, I imagine that is not normal conversation to have between friends: talking about her cousin's life. Still, that seemed to be the only deductible answer to my question.

He took my question to be rhetorical.

Ron commented meeting us halfway as they'd all been sitting out on the porch given none of them had the key to get inside. "Get lost, did you?"

Arnav lied as if a professional, "Took the wrong exit and phone lost connection so for the longest, we didn't realize we were off track. They've really got to add more lights on the highway so people can see the coming exits."

We get inside and Arnav directed them to the guest rooms. I, however, rushed off towards a washroom. While everyone had left to put their bags in the rooms, Arnav waited and then directed me towards a room with a single bed inside. Fully furnished like the rest of the house.

He informed, "It's actually my sisters room but all other rooms have double beds and this is the only single bed. I figured you'd be more comfortable here and Kripa and Amanda could take one of the guest rooms."

I expressed gratefully, "Thank you." He was a lot more considerate than I used to give him credit for.

As I placed my phone on the bed along with my bag, he lingered about. I turned to him and he seemed to be hesitant, "Can I ask?"

He didn't have to elaborate. He was worried over my answer. I blinked with a relaxed expression, "I don't think anyone would want to quit after that."

Utter relief washed over his face even as his shoulders seemed to relax. With a smile, he walked backwards towards the door. "Good night, sweet pea."

"Night," I murmured though I imagine neither he nor the rest were going to sleep any time soon. They were all nocturnal beings. I was not.

And, for some reason, it no longer bothered me that he called me that. I think, it's him in particular for if someone else used endearing words towards me, I would still go off on them.

One night and he was rubbing off on me!

I told myself to be careful, but then... why?

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

Despite falling asleep around midnight, I woke up by 6:30 in the morning. I blame biological clock. Circadian rhythm. Whatever you wish to call it. After a quick shower, I walked out of the room to roam the house and learn my way around.

There were empty beer bottles on the living room floor. The table was moved aside. That must be where they were playing some game involving alcohol. If they'd drunk a lot, no one might be waking up anytime soon. I moved along and all other things in the house were spic and span. I found myself standing at the entrance of the back porch. It overlooked a lake. I unlocked it to step outside and when I did, I found Arnav leaning back on the chair with his eyes closed.

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