"I don't trust him." He whispers, looking behind his shoulder as if someone is watching.

"Well I do," I challenge, shrugging his grip off. As soon as I enter the cabin, my body begins to instantly thaw from the warm fire burning inside.

The cabin is an open floor plan to say the least. A small fireplace is on the far wall with a wooden couch seated in front of it. My eyes land on the figure laying on the couch and my heart skips a beat.

"Addison!" I yell out, running to the figure by the glowing fire.

She hears my voice and immediately shoots up.

"Alex?" She exclaims, instant hot coming to her loving eyes. She and I ram into a large hug that is long overdue. Emotions immediately come rushing back.

"I can't believe you're here!" She breathes out, squeezing me tighter then finally letting me go. She looks around and finds Russell. She gives him a small smile. Then her eyes land on Tyler.

"And this is..?" She questions motioning to Tyler. He stands up straight and clears his throat.

"I'm Tyler." He introduces himself in a smooth voice. His eyes are warm and accepting, different from his usual dark expression.

"Hm. Interesting. You're a rogue too.?" She tilts her head.

"No." he grunts out, his warm expression going dark, "I am the Alpha of the SilverMoon pack." He nods to himself.

I watch as her smile fades, her eyes widening at his news. She was the one who told me all of the rumors about the SilverMoon pack and their ruthless leader.

"That is the pack that I was telling you about," she leans in and whispers to me, "We need to get out of here like now." Then she sits back up straight and shoots Tyler a shy smile.

I hold back a smile as I roll my eyes.

"I could hear every word you were saying." Tyler growles coldly. "And yes, we are very vicious. In fact, I could kill you right now, what's stopping me?" He says inching closer to Addison.

This causes my eyebrows to scrunch together. Who does he think he is talking to?

"I am." I say, standing from the couch. Steam erupts from my ears.

Tyler lifts an eyebrow at me, looking my figure up and down.

"Are you seriously trying to pick a fight? This is my best friend, Tyler. I don't give a damn that you are some alpha. If you try to lay a hand on her I swear, Tyler, I will- I will-" I stammer out, jutting a finger towards his chest.

"You will what, baby?" amusement plays in his cold eyes. "Last I checked, I am twice your size." he says in an evil tone.

His face looks different. He looks different. Something is off about his demeanar and I can't place my finger on it.

"Okay. Well Addison and I are leaving." I say quickly like a wife taking the child away from her husband. I grab Addison by the hand and head for the door.

Russell watches the whole scene unfold from the kitchen as he silently sips on a glass of water.

"Take one step out of that door, Alex!" He yells after me. "I swear. Alex- Get back here." Tyler throws blank threats my way as I slam the door behind me.

I fume as Addison and I walk through the darkness. What the hell just happened? Addison silently begins to chatter from the freezing air as we trudge through the forest.

"Who does he think he is?" Addison finally grumbles, still stomping through the leaves as we continue farther away from the cottage.

"He's my mate." I huff out. Addison stops in her tracks, mouth wide open like a venus flytrap.

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