"AHHH!" Ashley screamed when I football tackled her into the next wave crashing down on us. Coming to the surface I wiped my face clear of water and just laughed at her dazed expression, she had not been expecting that at all.

Running through the water back to the shore I turned to face them once more to find them all laughing as hard as I was. After a few seconds passed each of their faces gleamed with taunting smiles, but I came to the realization that they werent looking at me, but at something behind me.

Realizing this too late, I felt a strong thick arm wrap around my waist and pick me up with ease. Letting a small yelp escape my lips, I felt myself get lifted out of the sand and start moving toward the water. Putting my friends taunting smiles and this strong arm around me, together, it registered that this was none other than Alex.

"Alex, dont you dare!" I yelled as he began to run into the shallow parts of the water.

"I like how you know its me," he said a bit cocky, "But after what I saw you just do, this is needed."

Befere I could plead anything more, I felt him release me and my entire body plunge into the water once more. Writhing my body around, I surfaced and made sure to splash him in the process. I couldnt help but smile when I saw his perfect features full of laughter after what had just gone down.

"You're still just as fun to mess around with like when we were kids," he said, sending my stomach into a whirl of butterflies at the sight of his gleaming smile.

"Well you're just as annoying as you were when we were kids," I replied jokingly.

"Ouchh," he said with a fake pained expression.

"Oh shut-"

"Hey Kathryn, want to introduce us?" Mariza said smiling while Ashley and Jill just giggled behind her.

Blushing, I introduced my three best friends to Alex while he called over his two friends over to introduce us. As his friends came over, my mouth fell open at how gorgeous they were. Holy crap, was Florida a breeding ground for all the male models or something?

"Well, this is Jordan," Alex said pointing to a tall, tan, black haired beauty with gorgeous green eyes.

"Hey," he said smiling at all of us, showing off a set of shiny white teeth just like Alex's. He seemed to be a bit shyer then both Alex and the other boy just by the look in his eyes.

"And this is Justin," Alex continued, waving his hand in the direction of a blonde haired, blue eyed man that was equally as god like as Jordan.

"Whats up ladies," Justin said cockily. It was obvious the personalities of each boy was already evidently showing.

"Oh hello there," Ashley said winking at Justin. In a way Ashley would look perfect with him, from what I new of this boy, they were extremely alike based on personality. Ashley was a brunette with hazel eyes and a joking attitude like no other, love was in the air.

Jordan seemed more of a match for Mariza. She had golden hair like me but hers was perfectly staright unlike my curly waves. She again had crystal blue eyes like me but she was so much more shy then I ever was. Maybe if I could just get the two of them talking, somthing could be there...

"Well this is Ashley," I said while poiting in my friends direction. Smiling, she gave a quick wave to the boys before returning her hands to her hips.

"This is Mariza," I continued, letting her give everyone a small smile, hoping she would do somthing more.

"And lastly this is Jill," I finished, watching as she smiled goofily at the three boys in front of us. Jill i couldnt really see daiting anyone just yet, she was the type of girl everyone came to for support about their relationships but no one ever wanted to date.

"What are you four doing later?" Justin asked in his cocky tone.

"hopefully you..." I heard Ashley whisper so only me, Jill and Mariza could hear. Laughing, I replied, "As of right now nothing."

"Good," Jordan said sheepishly, "Then we'll show you around town and allt he go to places. Alex can't stop talking about y-"

"Okay, sounds good," Alex interupted suddenly, "How bout a game of beach football?"

"I'm in," my three best friends replied in unison.

"I'll run and get the football from the house," Justin said, rushing out from the shallows of the water were we all stood.

Slowly following both Alex and Jordan out of the water with my friends following close behind, i couldnt help but eavesdrop onto their conversation.

"...its only the first...after years of not seeing... she might think I'm a....dont want to loose my chance..." I heard Alex whisper furvently to Jordan.

"Oh...she probably thinks....dont worry about it....tonight just get to....okay?" Jordan replied easily in his deep voice.

What the hell were they talking about? Boys could be even more secrative then girls at most times. At that moment, Justin came rushing down the board walk with hat looked like a bright green nerf football.

"You girls ready to get you ass's whooped!" he excalimed, panting slightly.

"Bring it on," Ashley taunted.

"Haha, fiesty," he replied smiling.

"Okay you two, lets get started here," Jill said while rolling her eyes.

For the rest of the day, the seven of us played football, splashed in the water and just hung-out in the sand. I couldnt remember a more perfect moment in my entire life. The best part was, that the rest of the night consisted of hangong out with my best friends, Alex and his friends all around town. My life just went from better, to amazing in just one day.

The Summer I Ran Into My Childhood Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now