Heat of The Civil War

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Event I

There were meta-light speed travel for consumers everyday in the Earth System. This technology invented 1800 years ago was sometimes abbreviated to the Hyperdrive. Like airlines two millennium ago, wealthy government and private companies provide the means to travel from one planet to the other in mere days. These ships were called VECO (Vessels for Community), and they run on fuel called Quantos, an electromagnetic energy harnessed from Dark Matter. The faster ones incorporated Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the concept of the revolutionary Higgs Particle altogether to create a propelling fuel that can travel hundreds of light years in a span of hours.

When the cost got cheaper, Domia and other planets had to deal with immigrant issues. 

On the year 4032, a Mercatian  was on a personal matter trip to Domia. After Ralee visited his family, he decided to take his edge off at a nearby bar. He had way too many drinks for the human body and soon found himself struggle to make good decisions. He seduced a woman to the bedroom, felt violence taking over and murdered her in cold blood. Beaten, strangled and kicked, the woman died in vain. Ralee was arrested and under Domia's Law, he was imprisoned there. His lawyer, a humanoid from Purae Luk, assured him not to worry.

"This involves Earth System worldswide. Mercatia is wealthy, entrepot of the system, trading goods every fraction of seconds, they will not let a middle-class man like you contaminate their name." 

"But I really did murdered her, she is of Domia and she died because of-" gasped Ralee.

"Yes, I know what you have committed, but it needs to be forgotten."

Mercatia, with a population of 2 billion and net worth leaps above the other planets, bailed out Ralee, a confirmed murderer, out of jail using their wealth. The politicians of Mercatia spoke on worldswide television, "Ralee Wonda had made a human mistake, but the hands of justice upon the man should be done here, on the planet where he came from".

Enraged of this injustice and not gaining the opportunity to hold a trial against the felon, the Domian government made the decision to avenge the dead woman. A week later, a explosive drone crashed into the Main Trade building of Mercatia, leading to the bomb attack that killed 9 lives. A few hours after the attack, Ralee Wonda died in his apartment house with a bullet in his head. These events were none other than Domia paying back.

Event II

"What do we do? We strike back?" asked the senator in a conference attended by important Parliament members of Mercatia.

"No, it would cost too much, and what if they attack back? That would risk the lives of our citizens." explained Leon Pincer, an officer in the Interstellar Affairs of Mercatia.

Days later on Mercatia, the Red Room was built, it became the headquarters for all defense and offense operations in this subtle war against Domia. Mercatia sought help from the planet Pioneer, so they sent an inhuman mercenary only to be addressed by the name of Lake, to the Red Room for their first strategy on Domia. 

"If anything else unexpected happens, just make sure the outcome is similar to our objective," Leon said as he handed Lake his communications patch. 

He took it and put it into his ear, the patch covered by his fringe and grey hair at the length of his jawline. Towering Leon Pincer, Lake was tall due to the genes of the Grey Race, a 5% human population that was once infected by the Berkyl Virus two thousand years ago. His skin was pale grey while his pupils were blood red. Although the Grey Race were victims of a virus, it altered their physiology to age slower and increased their muscular-skeletal capacity. Lake was the perfect mercenary, sharpening his sword, the only weapon he took on missions and covered his skin with his red leather coat collared with fur.

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