Necessity for Synergy

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"The inspectors from the automobile company is here." a middle-aged man spoke. He was standing over in a workshop at the Engineering Faculty in University of Regency Domia.

"They're testing the engine prototype?" a 19-year-old young man appeared from behind his desk with a grin of hope on his face.

"Yes, your innovation, Kane. Good news, I want you to do the test drive."

A huge smile stretched across Kane's face. He immediately put down his gloves and hurried on with the man. They came out upon a wide green meadow behind the building. The car was waiting at the side with the people from the company and the dean of the faculty. Kane put on his goggles and wind jacket before reaching the car, which hovered a five inches above the ground when the engine started.

Kane wrinkled his face. Wait a minute, he thought. There was a slight difference in the sound the engine made. He stepped out and opened the bunker.

"Atlas, what are you doing?" the dean said frantically to him.

"Don't worry, I just need to fix something." Kane smiled and took the wrench near him. A maintenance drone moved towards him but he told it that he can do this on his own. After a little tweaking, Kane stepped into the car and prepared to show everyone the capability of his engine prototype. The car accelerated off it's position and zoomed across the meadow. The faculty dean was explaining the engine's modification while Kane was having fun showing tricks with the car. 


"No, it was just a slight tweaking. The manifold wasn't tight enough to give the correct amount of air pressure in the chamber." Kane was explaining the incident back in the workshop to his faculty mates.

"Kane? Kane Atlas?"

 A few days after leaving Cassus, Spike Cappa was here, at the university, seeking help from Heron's son. Kane responded to his name, but as soon as he heard that the matter was about his family, he stormed off saying he does not want to get involve. This caught Spike by surprise, he went after Kane. Spike insisted that the young man follows him for the sake of his own family but Kane made it clear he left his family's politics a long time ago, when it endangered his life during the Civil War.

"Do you even understand what is going on? Do you even remember me?" Spike had a sudden seriousness in his voice. This made Kane stop and started to recall. Of course, on many occasions, Kane visited his father or it sometimes was the other way around. There was a man who would always be by his father's side. After a few seconds, it dawned him. "Spike. Of course, you worked for my dad."

Spike doesn't know how to break the terrible news. Nor was he sure to ask him a silly question to help him avenge Heron's death. He found a way, eventually. He told it in the most sincere and soft way possible. Spike asked if an Atlas son would find the decency to do something about the unjust murder. As quite worryingly expected, Kane told Spike to fuck off while he took in the painful truth.

Spike was about to leave the university in disappointment and his stolen car when he overheard that Hollowan officers were in the building hunting for a fugitive. He crossed paths with one of them, and when the Hollowan officer started to recognize him, a voice appeared in the hallway. The Hollowan officer turned and there stood Kane.

"I think your wanted fugitive went the other way," Kane started blabbering.

In the midst of the Hollowan officer's occupied attention, Spike wrapped his arms around the officer's neck until he started to choke. The officer triggered his pistol and a blaster was headed in Kane's direction. Spike warned him in advance and luckily Kane ducked in the nick of time. The Hollowan continued to struggle before falling unconscious to the ground.

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