Order of The New Heads

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A humanoid in a long coat and a fedora hat walked the isolated cyberpunk streets of Xenon City, a glorious metropolitan in Domia. His hat barely hides his reddish-brown face as he entered a boutique store at the end of the street.

"Do you have a size for triple extra large?" the humanoid started.

"Oh," the lady replied, "you're here already. Follow me."

He was led up in an elevator and it opened to find a large furry humanoid guarding a door. The lady left the man as he approached the alien. The furry humanoid stopped him from coming any closer with his humongous hands.

"No, no, wait" the brown humanoid said before he pushed a tiny button behind his pointed ear. The button triggered a digital camouflage mask he was wearing around his head. It was revealed that he was a human all along. He took of the hat to pull off the mask.

"Fuzale, please to meet you. Is this where I find the coin's head?"

Of course, the coin's head was a code he had to say to get into this confidential meeting. A black man greeted him when Fuzale entered. They shook hands and he took a seat at the table. In the room, were four other people.

"Fuzale, let me introduce you to everyone. You may recognize me, Cader Foxe. From the Interstellar Affairs unit of Domian government. This is my deputy, L. Qyu."

Fuzale nodded to a tall woman of the Grey Race. She looked serious and did not utter any words.

"This is Jean, he's the head of Science and Technology unit of Mercatia's military. Our Oglenn here is Masod, Mayor of Republic Strait, Domia. Finally, Las Akira, Secretary of Evolvo. Everyone, Fuzale is the chairman of Media Bureau in Pioneeran government." Cader finished off as he walked to the front of the room.

"You gathered influential figures of the Earth Worlds. Well done." Fuzale was impressed. "Any Hollowans know about this?"

"We all would be dead if they do. That's why we brought you, Mr. Fuzale. We are the remaining ones that hasn't had a bullet to our head." the stiff-looking Qyu finally spoke.

"What are you talking about? The Hollowans only killed 24 politicians and royalties in their rule. Why are we only numbered six?" Fuzale wondered.

Cader rolled his eyes, "only ". As if twenty four famous figures is but a small number. That did not count the civilians the Hollowans killed too, estimated at tens of thousands.

Qyu continued, "The remaining who still believes, Mr. Fuzale. The rest are terrified, threatened or bought. Yes, only six we called together to do something about it."

"So, how are we going to do that something?" Fuzale sounded half sarcastic.

"I have to admit, asking ordinary humans to go against species like the Hollowans is a stupid act. We need humanoids and inhumans, they have capabilities beyond that of man. Years ago, I accompanied Lord Tsaneda to meet a man by the name of Amethyst. Believe it or not, he wields sorcery and helped Tsaneda construct a map encrypted by magic." Cader announced.

"You sound silly, Foxe." Jean added in disbelief. It was the first time he heard this proposal. Jean, Masod and Akira were as shock as Fuzale.

"No, I know it's been a long time since we heard about the ancient mystical arts. But they are still out there. What no Hollowans knew was Amethyst telling me that they all still exist. Users of this mystical arts, originating from the Chinese, Latin, and Caribbean cultures. The group of people are called the Revivals. We need to find them and ask for their help."

"What do you suggest? The Revivals put a spell on our enemies?" Fuzale fired.

"Send them a threat," Cader started talking harsh.

"You of all people would know that in the Civil War, usage of inhumans were banned. We don't understand this force, let alone manipulate it to our advantage. How do you go about locating the Revivals anyway?" Akira added.

"The man, Amethyst. He is the key," Cader debated. But all he got in response were more complaints and doubts. Suddenly, Qyu stood up and raised her voice,

"Listen. We don't stand any chance, now. With help, an extraordinary, above-human help, we could accomplish something. The Revivals are useful assets to be on our side. This mystical force is something the Hollowans believe as well, it will surely push some boulders. Anymore bright ideas? Or just complaints?"

After a long silence, Masod finally spoke up, "I believe they are out there. This is not as crazy as it seems."

"Are you sure about this, Foxe?" Fuzale asked.

"We have to give it a try."

Fuzale and Akira nodded in agreement. Cader and Qyu exchanged smiles. They took out a briefcase containing clues as to the whereabouts of Amethyst. Before handing out the files to this odd team, Cader added,

"You have to stay alert from now on. Welcome to the New Heads."


"Where are we going, Spike?"

On the ship that's still in orbit, Sonie turned around and asked the question to Spike. He was approaching the cockpit and out of breath.

"I don't know, you pick the destination this time"

"This is not funny, Cappa. Where should we go?" Sonie sounded as if she was starting to freak out, before Kane remembered the note in his pocket slipped by Bitzer.

"Maybe this would help." Kane said.

The note was difficultly scribbled, but they managed to read the message: "Virens, Tealowen, Can you see the future?"

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