Do You Still Love Him?💋

Start from the beginning

"I..." he began to say when his phone went off, he grabbed it letting me go but still holding Anthony." Hello." He said sounding annoyed.

"John I'm not feeling well come home." I heard AJ say I rolled my eyes and took Anthony from him as he walked away.

"Daddy." Anthony said trying to get free of me to go after him.

"He will be right back baby." I said going over to sit with him as Adam followed me.

"So John is the father of your baby?" He said shocked.

"Yeah." I said as Anthony got off of me and ran in the direction John went in.

"How?" He said confused.

"It's a long story." I said looking back to see John coming back with Anthony.

"I'm sorry buddy but daddy has to go." He said and no one looked more bummed then my poor baby.

"No dada stay." He said, it broke my heart.

"Sorry baby but daddy has other things to take care of." I said a bit annoyed at the fact that AJ was pregnant.

"That thing you are referring too is my wife and possibly Anthony's brother or sister." He said and they angered me.

"Just go." I said angry.

"I'm sorry buddy but maybe mommy will let you come home with me you can meet your step......" He began to say when I stood up to cover Anthony's ears.

"You finish that sentence and I won't be the only widow in this town." I said as Anthony just looked at me so I smiled so I didn't worry him. "Call her his stepmother and I will make sure you can't have another child." I let go of Anthony's ears and took him into my arms.

"Bye dada." Anthony said hurrying his head in my neck I could feel him getting sad but he didn't to show any emotions.

"I'll come back soon okay buddy?" He said as Anthony turned to him.

"Ok." He said reaching out to hug him once more.

"I'll walk you out." I said as we all began to walk to the door for some reason.

"Can I come back tomorrow?" He said and I nodded.

"Yes and don't tell AJ yet I want to see the look on her face when she sees I had your child first." I said and he looked at me angry.

"Nicole." He said in a stern voice.

"John she made my life a living hell I want to return the favor besides I also want to see the look on her face when she tries to tell you that she came back to give me the money when she didn't I also want to know who told her I was living in London when all I did was go give birth there." I said a bit annoyed.

"Then maybe you should have a talk with your father as well.

"Oh trust me I will." I said angry.

"Bye Anthony." He said kissing his cheeks.

"Bye dada." Anthony said.

"Bye Nicole." He said kissing my forehead damn he knew me so well one kiss to the forehead and I was weak in the knees.

"Bye." I said as I watched him walk away before closing the door, I turned back to see Adam.

"So you wanna tell me this long story?" He said as we walked back to the couch I began to tell him absolutely everything even the first time we had sex. On the beach.

"Wow so the first time you got pregnant?" He said shocked

"Yup, if he would have showed up to the coffee place, we would have gone to Boston gotten married found out that I was pregnant together and we would be raising Anthony together but no somehow my dad has something to do with him not showing up and the marines and I'm going to get to the bottom of it." I said starting to over think it.

"So then what?" He said

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"When you do what's going to happen?" He asked looking concerned.

"Well I will be cutting those people out of my life and I'll have to work out a way for me and John to coparent our son with his pregnant wife." I said as I began to get emotional.

"Can I ask you something." He said getting closer to me.

"Sure." I said.

"Do you still love John?......

"Do you still love John?

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Sorry I am the worst I'm so sorry I'll try to update more often I promise!!!'

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