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Skylar's POV

I woke up in an unknown place withy a pounding headache.

"W—what happened? Where am I?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"Skylar, you're okay!" I heard someone yell. I looked to my left and saw a creepy kid run to give me a hug. He looked familiar.

"Wait, Oliver." Another voice said. I turned around and saw a cute guy with spiky hair holding up a hand.

"Really?" The Oliver guy looked annoyed.

The cute guy crouched down beside me.

"Skylar, what year is it?" He asked me.

"Chase, what are you—" I cut Oliver off.

"2012." I said confidently. The cute guy and the weird guy both looked nervous. "Why?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" A girl from behind me stood next to the cute guy.

"I was walking into Mighty Med because the Annihilator stole my powers. I walked into the wreck-room and met these two new doctors. Everything else is a blur to me." I explained.

"Hey, guys. Sorry to barge in, but I forgot my phone in the room. Once I was in Phillie I realized I forgot my phone, so I came back. Oh hey, Connie!" A blonde girl waved at me. She was followed by two people. One in a sweater vest and one looked a lot like Kakai-Rata-Hee-Haw-Mwuaak-Floopy-Pa-zoing

"Who's Connie?" I asked. "My name is—" Oliver out a hand over my mouth.

"Good one, Connie. Now, Jordan, why don't you get your phone and leave now?" He said.

"Sorry, but our next flight isn't for another two days." She shrugged, running upstairs.

"What am I doing here?" I asked Oliver.

"Skylar, you got you're powers contaminated by Catastrophe, then Hapax the Elder had to take them in order for you to live." He said in one breath.

"Wait. What year is it?" I asked, utterly confused.

"2016." Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw another familiar guy.

"Was I in some sort of coma?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Let's just make this short." Oliver sighed. I nodded. "You came to Mighty Med in 2013. After a few weeks you came to normo school with us, under an alias called Connie Valentine. You stayed powerless for over a year, until Kaz and I brought your powers back from the Annihilator. Unfortunately we didn't realize that he tainted them, so you became evil. You worked with him to turn other superheroes evil. You died in Caldera, due to a poison dart by the Annihilator. We brought you back to Mighty Med, but you were already dead. That's when we found out Horus was Caduceo, then he brought you back to life." Oliver explained.

"Wait..." I started.

"Any questions so far?" Oliver asked.

"Why Connie Valentine. What about something like Glen?" I shook my head.

"Anyway. Very recently Mighty Med was destroyed by Roman and Riker, the sons of Rodissiious. You, me, and Kaz were brought to Centium City to be part of an elite force to stop them. A few hours ago, we were battling the villains that escaped Mighty Max and Catastrophe contaminated your powers. Hapax the Elder was able to take your powers before you fully died. Bree over here woke you up, but we still don't know why you have memory loss." Oliver explained.

"This is just a lot to take in. I can't believe I don't remember 3 years of my life. I sighed.

"We'll leave you to rest. Chase, show Skylar her room." The girl said. Everyone walked off, leaving my and the Chase guy. He offered a hand to help me off the couch. I took it, and felt super weird. Probably just the headache.

He showed me my room in the hall, which was pretty big. When we got to the room it took a while to take in how big it was.

"Thanks, Chase." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." He nodded.

"Wait." I stopped him from walking out the door.


"Can you stay for a little bit? I'm not tired, and I'd like someone to talk to." I twiddled my thumbs.

"Of course." We sat on the edge of the bed.

"Do you think I'll ever get my memories or powers back?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I was able to get them back, but it took a lot of hard work, and you almost died." He said.

"Wait. You've restored my powers?" I asked.

"Yes." He sighed.

"Well, thank you." I said. I yawned.

"Tired?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I admitted.

"Good night, Skylar." He said getting up.

"Goodnight, Chase."




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