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Skylar's POV 

"Okay, guys, we need to head out, so you stay here, and not tough anything. Okay?" Chase told them. We've been behind in finding Roman and Riker, so we need to up our game.

"Relax, I'm very trustworthy. Right guys?" Alan asked. We all groaned.

"Not at all. Graham, you're in charge." I smiled at him, and he nodded. 

"Okay, let's go. Adam, Skylar, and Oliver, you guys check 1st through 8th street, and Kaz, Leo, Chase, and I will check everywhere else." Bree said.

"Do I have to go with them?" I complained.

"Hey!" Adam and Oliver said. I pursed my  lips. "Anyway, lets go." Then I supersped out of the room.

I sped to the lobby, and waited for Oliver and Adam. Adam got out of the elevator, he ran over to me and tapped me.

"Tag! You're it!" He smiled. I just stared awkwardly. 

We finished checking the areas we were supposed to check.

"Hey, Skylar. I need to tell you something." Oliver walked up to me.

"Yes, Oliver, I know you're sold out of the calendars you made of me." I crossed my arms.

"Yes— wait— never mind. I mean, they are, but it's something else. Chase told us to meet at  Mr. Davenport's backup headquartes in Caphstic Street. He said it's important." I nodded, and walked over to Adam.

"Come on, Adam. We need to go to Mr. Davenport's backup headquarters." I groaned.

"Yay!" Then he hopped on my back, then I supersped to Caphstic Street. We made it to the building, and the scanner by the door scanned us, and opened the door.

"Chase, what's wrong?" I walked up next to him. He was looking at a laptop that  had a sonar on the screen with blinking dots.

"What's happening?" Adam asked, looking at the screen.

"Those dots are injured superheroes." Kaz replied. There were tons. Almost every inch of the reader was blinking.

"How could this happen." I out my head in my head. "The List was destroyed."

"We do have a secret backup list, but it's secured in the Daven Tech Computer. It's a computer that stores the most secret information. There's only one in the world, and even the best hackers can't get into it." Chase informed me.

"Well if it's so secret, how were those superheroes found?" Oliver asked.

"The computer is located in the headquarters at the DavenTower, so the person who got into the computer got into the penthouse." Leo added.

"Guys, we can find the hacker later. We need to help those injured superheroes." Bree spoke up.

"Bree's right. We need to help them. We find them and bring them back here." Kaz said. 

"I can send you guys the radar on your phones." Chase said. After a few seconds my phone beeped, and the radar was on my phone. After that, we split up o find the superheroes. I followed a dot.

I sped all the way to Maple Avenue, when I saw a familiar face in the tiny woods in the park.

"Tecton!" I ran beside him.

"Skylar?" He looked a little dazed.

"What happened?" I saw a big bruise by his eye.

"All I remember is walking through the park, blanking out, and feeling a lot of pain in my head." I groaned. 

"Here. I'm going to take you back to output base, and they'll take care of you. I hauled Tecton onto my back, and supersped back to the base. When I got there I set Tecton on one of the gurneys in the small hospital room. All of a sudden Bree, Adam, and Kaz flew/ran in, setting other superheroes down. 

"You guys found Replikate, Surge, and Queen Hornet!" I gasped. 

"We need someone to stay here to take care of them." Kaz said

"I'll do it." Leo trudged in the Neocortex on his back. He struggled, making his way to a gurney, then plopping Neocortex down.

"Carrying superheroes is hard work." He put his hands on his knee to catch his breath.

"Where's Oliver and Chase?" Adam asked.

"Right here."  Oliver walked in, carrying the Crusher and the Dark Warrior. Chase followed behind carrying an unconscious Disgusto. Oliver put the Crusher and Dark Warrior on gurneys, and Chase quickly put Disgusto on one.

"Great. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go sterilize myself." He gagged.

"Guys, we have a problem. We're running out of room, and a lot of these superheroes are seriously injured." Bree spoke up.

"We'll just kept bringing them here, and Leo can call Mr. Davenport's medical team. They're just drones, so I'm sure title be fine." Chase said.

"We should continuing helping the others." Oliver said. I supersped out of the building, and kept looking. In the past 15 minutes helped Solar Flare, Blue Tornado, and Spotlight. As I was following the next dot, I crashed into someone.

"Omigosh! I'm so sor—" I stopped midway.

"Hello, Skylar." They smirked.

"Experion!" He smirked. Then I noticed his arm was around someone.

"Ted, why did she call you Experion? And why did you call Connie, Skylar?" She asked.

"Um, Ted, why is she here?" I asked.

"I have a name." She crossed her arms.

"Fine. Why is Stephanie here?" 

"Well, Stephanie is my girlfriend." He smiled

My eyes widened.

"Ted is a superhero." Stephanie smiled.

"You told her!" I almost yelled.


"He also gave me powers." Stephanie smiled. I gave Experion an 'I'm going to kill you' look.

"So, Stephanie, what powers do you have." I put on a fake smile.

"I have the power of eyesight." She squealed. I almost laughed at her stupid remark.

"That's not— nevermind." I shook my head.

"What are you doing here?" She tilted her head..

"Um, I'm a transfer student." I told her. She nodded. "Anyway, I'm gonna go now." Then I normally ran away. When I was out of sight, I supersped to the next dot.

I don rlly like Stephanie...

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