Chapter 21

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"One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door......" I sing as I walk through our District market. Finnick used to sing me nursery rhymes all the time and that's one of them I remember. I was very bored in the house, so I decided to go out for a change. The Games start in two days, I think. I'm nervous, and worried, and scared.... But Finnick will come back. I'm sure of it. Because he promised, and he never breaks his promises.

As I stop to look at some things laid out on a table, a pair of hands come from behind me and cover my eyes.

"Guess whooo?"


Lanceton used to go to school with me, and had the biggest crush on me. He gave me flowers, and chocolates, and did almost anything he could to impress me. Of course I would have loved him back, but he's a huge jerk. Since I told Finnick about him, he keeps me away from him, and I'm glad, too. But right now, Finnick isn't here to protect me.

I grab Lanceton's hands and push him back. "Get away from me"

He grabs my wrist and takes me to the alley behind the nearest store.

"Well, well, well, Annie Cresta. You're looking quite beautiful today." He shoves me against the brick wall behind us, still holding my wrist tightly. "Aw, poor Ann. You don't have darling Finnick with you anymore, do you? He's gonna die, and I will gladly replace him." He gives me a big grin.

"No. For your information, Finnick promised me he's coming back. And Finnick never, ever breaks his promises"

Lanceton lets go of my wrists, steps back, and gives one howl of a laugh.

"Seriously? You're seriously gonna believe that prissy little Capitol boy? This isn't the playground anymore, Ann. He's just lying to you so you wouldn't freak out. He's not coming back... But I, on the other hand, would never, ever lie to you. Just keep that in mind, 'kay?"

No. Finnick will come back. He promised, right? And he loves me... I know he does...

"You're such a jerk" I say.

"No. I'm your soul mate. Just you wait. Your little Finnick will be out of the picture soon enough."

He gives me a quick peck on the cheek, and walks away.

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