after the ultra sound we were both beaming we were in the back of the car Cara leaned across and kissed my lips softly it was full of love it melted me I closed my eyes and kissed back I felt so warm

after we broke the kiss she pecked my lips " I love you so much Kenny" she whispered against my lips I smiled " I love you too.. even if you failed to pass on your blonde hair" I said she laughed I pulled her closer to me she curled up to me her arm around my stomach her head on the crook of my neck I kissed her head.

cara had to fly back to where ever to work on the movie a day after we spent the day sleeping mostly since cara had jet lag and im always tired now i stayed in californa i had alot of work i could some times feel the baby moving and kicking i have been working out more then usual and i was constantly putting all these creams and things on my skin to not get stretch marks

so between work and working out i had no time really left really

-caras pov-

i have been in north Carolina we were just starting to film the movie i hate to admit it but stalking kendall through paparazzi pictures and fan accounts has become a habit of mine. suki and Margot teased me relentlessly for it i was currently admiring kendall in a picture of her leaving a restaurant with justin we were on set

"oooo some ones feeding there fetish" margot teased "its not a fetish you dumass;s she is my wife of coruce i find her hot" i said " we know delevinge you dont have to be in denial" suki smirked " admit it you find pregnant kendall hotter then you should" Margot said i rolled my eyes smirking " is there something oddly arousing about her body right now..yeah" i shrugged they laughed"you need to tell her that you feel that way" margot said "no she will think im being cheesy..or she will think im some freak and it will ruin any mood" i said "fine dont listen" suki said " you know orgasms while pregnant are earth shattering" suki added "i know- i have done my share of reading" i said nodding "then why has your bed been lacking a certain pregnant brunette" margot said " its hard being pregnant...kendall isnt ever really.."i said thinking about the right words to use " horny" suki bluntly said "yeah"" i nodded "well no shit she probably feels like a beached wale-the trick is you have to make her feel as sexy as you clearly find her" Margot said " i dont want to push her"i said "its kendall we all know she dosnt have a problem speaking up" suki said " your thinking like a man delevinge you need to remember what turns you on turns her on to- be assertive-grab her ass "margot said as suki laughed "her ass is amazing" i said " my point exactly" margot winked i looked at her "what she is a Victoria secret angel its common know leg she has a nice butt" margot said

- one week-

i have spent all week memorizing scrips and doing stuff to get ready to film i found out for every day we film we spend three days doing stuff to get ready for filming it was stress full and so-so time consuming

it was late i was studying a script i was horrible at remembering things let alone memorizing word by word of a 1/4 inch think script

i got a notification on my phone

*kendall jenner seen getting of a plane in north Carolina were wife cara delevinge is staying- 2:34 AM*

i instantly beamed with excitement she didnt text me saying she was coming ..she probably wanted it to be a surprise i chuckled

i tried to study the tedious packet

i woke up to some one stroking my hair i felt lips on the side of my mouth it took me a millisecond to connect that the lips were kendalls " babe wake up" she softly whispered agianst my face i opened my eyes her wide brown eyes met mine she smiled she kissed my lips i kissed back

as sweet as CAKE - kendal-  cara-Where stories live. Discover now