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three : a tortoiseshell's view

Rosekit frowned, her eyes narrowing. How had she not noticed at her younger sister was missing? She's failing her job as responsible older sibling. The tortie looked at her blind brother.

"Well, let's go find her!" Rosekit growled, "She could be scared or hurt!" Smokekit flinched at her loud tone, his scarred eyes staring right back at her brown ones.

"Mother would never let us leave." He said softly, "Besides, two kits alone in the dangerous ThornClan woods? And one being blind?"

   Rosekit growled in frustration, "She's our sister! We should help her!" Smokekit shushed her quickly, worried that they'll wake Mother up.

   "Kittens?" The soft, silky voice of their mother spoke, "Are you awake?"

   "Yes, Mother." Both kits answered, Smokekit flicking his tail. It was then when Mother frowned, whiskers twitching and eyes searching.

   "Where is Sandkit?" Sorrelfire frowned, her voice more strict, "She didn't leave, did she?"

   "Sandkit is missing." Smokekit said, "Since last night."

   "What?" Sorrelfire almost yowled, "She could be hurt. Or taken. Or dead!!" Rosekit flinched, Mother had never been like this before.

   "We could look for her." Smokekit suggested, glancing at Rosekit.

"Damn right, we should!" Sorrelfire cursed. After realizing this, her expression softened. "Sorry," she mumbled, "I'm just... so scared."

Rosekit let out a sigh, two kits and a she-cat going out and looking for another -possibility dead- kit? It seemed like an impossible task.

   No, it wasn't. They were going to find their sister, even if it takes moons.

Fact of the Day: Sorrelfire hasn't been very confident in herself since Ambertuft's death. She sees it as her fault, which is why none of her kits is named after her dead sister.

Silence { sequel to amber }Where stories live. Discover now