I tapped O'shea causing him to look up from his black and white notebook, taking the headphones off his head and staring at me.

"Yeah baby"

"I think E was just on the phone with La, he mad and was cursing" I explained. "Look".

I pointed at the phone that laid on the floor with the back piece broken. O'shea shook his head and slid from under me as he stood up, fixing his sweats.

"Ima go talk to him to see wassup"

I nodded as I watched O'shea walk down the hall to check on his friend. I hope Eric is alright. Yeah, we fight but we kind of have a love hate relationship. 

I can beat on him and cuss his ass out, but no one else outside this circle better not do it.

I knew Shayla should have come. Even Yella boy is hugged up with some green-eyed girl with curly hair.  Some groupie hoe, but long as she stays away from O'shea she was cool with me. 

I really hope this girl show up. I've seen Eazy mad at me of course, but not about something as simple as Shayla not coming to his concert.

O'shea came back and shook his head while sitting down. I laid back on his shoulder, looking up at him;

"Well what he say?"

"He said Fuck Shayla nothing more nothing less."

I frowned, but before I could speak Jerry appeared wearing an all-white suit with a red collared shirt under his blazer. 

He smiled as he called for everyone to come to the front of the bus for a gathering.

Everyone appeared with their matched-up pair, except Eric. 

My mood suddenly turned gloomy as I watched him standing near us with his all black jacket with white NWA letters, leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets. 

He looked rather unhappy, which was clearly because everyone has their special someone here with them except him.

"Alright guys, lets rock this tonight you have a sold-out show and you are the guest appearance at Sky lounge tonight. When we get off the bus, straight to wardrobe and then when the concert is over you have a meet and greet then off to Sky Lounge...and Please DO NOT TELL THE CROWD what hotel you guys are staying at tonight unless you wanna get put the fuck out."

I heard the guy snicker as I rolled my neck slowly in O'shea direction, pouting my lips.

"OH...you tell bitches where yall staying huh?"

"Don't start that Shit A'rihana, don't start" O'shea shook his head and rolled his eyes.

I rolled my eyes as we stepped off the bus and instantly it was mayhem as security guards escorted us through the back of the arena. 

Eric was quiet the whole time, not really interacting much even when one of the guys would speak to him.

Once they were in wardrobe, I walked over to Eric who was leaning on the vanity twirling his fingers in deep thought. I rested my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.

"Oh.... wasssup Rih" he said in a calm tone.

"No insult? Oh, shitt where's Eazy?" I chuckled softly.

He smiled and shook his head and stared at me briefly before speaking.

"It's fucked up she aint come man, why your girl so damn evil?"

I scratched my head and smiled a little. This is probably the first and last time me and him will have a civilized conversation, so let me make the best of it.

Compton ↣ The Sequel | Eazy-E x Nicki Minaj |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang