Chapter 18 Getting down at homecoming, basic

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Chapter 18

A/N : Chapter 18, my favorite number ! Thank you for reading it means a lot to me.

I walked up the stairs smiling to myself. He actually came. He cared enough about me to show up at my doorstep and try to make things right. Technically nothing was wrong, but still. ''What was Liam doing here ?'' Aria questioned observing me with suspicious eyes. They began doing their nails so my room was filled with toxic nail polish smell which I was not the biggest fan of. Rosalie was crying out in pain as Naomi pinned her down and she pulled some white strip from above Rose's lips. I laughed as Naomi motioned me to sit before her. I unwillingly sat as she put hot wax above my lip. I don't even have a mustache.

''He tried apologizing to me'' I finally answered pushing Naomi hands away as she tried pulling the strip away from me. ''No, it will hurt !'' I yelled running away.  Rosalie grabbed me and pinned my arms behind me as Ivy and Quinn held on to my legs. She quickly pulled it off and I yelled out in pain as the little hairs that were not visible to the naked eye were removed.

''If I had to go through that, you had to too'' Rosalie laughed jumping on the bed. ''Trying to apologize ? Was he the reason you left school early ?''

I sighed and massaged my burning skin. ''Yeah, it wasn't really his fault, but he came either way and apologized'' I smiled blushing a little.

''He likes you Elena, I know my cousin'' Quinn smiled at me, ''he feels confused because he hated you and now he not only befriended you but has feelings for you'' she finished.

''That's not true,'' I denied it. Liam can't possibly have feelings for me. '' can we not talk about this ?'' I whined as Naomi began plucking my eye brows. ''I hate you'' I muttered my eyes teary. She laughed and purposely pinched my skin.

Evil witch.

''We have to sleep early , unless you want horrid bags under your eyes'' Naomi announced turning off the lights and lying down next to her sister. I closed my eyes picturing Liam's golden eyes smiling down at me.


Naomi bought another wig with longer hair, this one ended centimeters above my butt. She set it on my head and curled it and did whatever other things. I wasn't allowed to look at myself until she was completely finished. Everyone else was finished except me. Aria wore a tight red strapless dress with five inch black heels. Her blonde hair was down and curled so beautifully and her lips were such a vibrant red it was hard not to stare at them-in a totally non-creepy way. Quinn wore a salmon dress with her hair perfectly straight and her make-up was flawless. She were black wedges and a flashy, diamond bracelet. We might me wanted dead, but we will die beautifully. ''Ow !'' I yelled as Naomi burned me -again.

''Well stop turning your head before I chop it off'' she threatened continuing to do whatever she was doing. Ivy stepped out of the bathroom looking absolutely gorgeous. Her dirty blonde her hair was down in waves and she wore a lime green short, strapless dress with shiny silver heels. Her eyelashes were long and her skin seemed flawless.

''You're a genius'' I complimented Naomi who thanked me confidently. This girl definitely knew what she was doing.

''I think the dress is too short'' Ivy muttered trying to pull the dress down. It was but she didn't look like a tramp or anything.

''It's fine'' Naomi rolled her eyes. Katerina stepped inside the room. Her hair was curled to the side and she wore a metallic, tight silver dress along with black heels. She had a scowl on her face but she looked amazing. ''Wipe that frown of your face before I slap you'' Naomi threatened. ''Rose hurry up ! I want to see you !''

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