Chapter 42: You're the dumbest idiot

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I slowly opened my eyes and watched the room rotate.  God, what the hell happened. I sat up and set my head in between my knees attempting to halt the spinning. I starred down at my muddy boots and the cold, wet floor underneath me. Where am I? My eyes traveled upwards wincing at the flickering dim-yellow light. Water drops fell from the ceiling on my face, slowly waking me up. There was a small window with bars behind my bed. Light shone through it. It must be around dusk. The pink and orange light illuminated my cell. I was seated on a bed with dirty white sheets. Other than the bed and toilet at the right corner, the cell was completely empty. The concrete walls were wet and rusty. The old steel bars caging me in were a nasty brown. There was a dirty mirror above the toilet. I walked over to it and took in my image. My cheek was bruised but no longer  swollen... someone must have iced it. My hair was wet, dirty and clung to my face. I had dried blood on my face. Elena, you're the dumbest idiot. 

Actually, my plan was well thought out if that Gwen bitch wouldn't have ripped my mask of revealing who I really am. I blame her. I walked over to the bars and realized there were more cells to both my sides and before me. But they were empty. I slowly remembered the events that took place on the ship.

That idiot unmasking me. Me fighting. Luke ordering Liam's death. Luke drugging me. I suddenly heard footsteps approach me and a masked figure stood on the other side of the bars. He had a glass of water and a piece of bread. "You hungry?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled. "I'm fine"

"Eat" he ordered sliding the small plate and water through the bars. I hesitated as I walked over and grabbed the food, slowly taking a seat on the bed. "That's a good girl" I flipped him off but he just laughed.

"Where are we?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"If I could I would break one of those bars in half and shove it through your chest," I glared and took a bite of the bread. I finished the entire glass of water at an incredible rapid pace. "I was parched, thank you" I stated throwing the glass cup his way. He ducked as the cup went directly in between the two bars and straight for his head. It shattered on the cell behind him.


"I was ambushed and locked in a cage, sue me" I reasoned holding my arms up.

"You don't seem nervous at all."

"I have three theories as to why,"

"Please, do tell"

"One, it hasn't completely registered that I have in fact been caught by a pack of lunatic killers and I can't save myself and help is not coming. Two, whatever drug you inserted inside my system

"A sedative on steroids-"

"yeah, whatever. Has not fully worn out. Or three, I don't care. Maybe I'm tired of fighting you bastards, maybe I don't want to do this anymore, maybe, just maybe ... I want this to end."

"What to end?"

"Everything. I'm so tired of it"

"You're tired?" he laughed, "what about me?"

"What about you? This is all because of you.If you truly were tired you'd stop this psychopathic bullshit and leave the Royals to be Royals. Leave the Argents to rule the Kingdom"

"See, that's the problem. Your family cannot rule my Kingdom."

"Why not? Why are you so stuck to ruining our lives? Why do you kill our family? Our friends? Why do you insist on taking control? What do you really want?"


"Revenge of what? What did we do to you?"

"What haven't you done to me?!" he laughed almost cynically. "Your family is the reason I don't have one! You complain that you lost someone you love, you all do. You act like victims. I am giving you all a taste of your own medicine. You lost someone, but I lost someone too. I lost them because of you, so you lose every person you care about because of me."

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