Chapter 10 Some people are naturally brilliant

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Chapter 10

Time to put on the costume.
I slid on my black high waisted skirt with my white button up and the blazer with the academy's crest on the right. I pulled up my grey leggings and the combat boots Noel promised me. I no longer wore the dark make-up, I just put mascara. I set the bright blue bangs to the side with a pin and braided the wig to the side.

Life is so much easier this way. It's nice to actually see my face.

I grabbed my satchel and ran down stairs. Kol was already down in the kitchen eating cereal. "Morning Princess'' he grinned.

''Morning'' I muttered getting a bowl to serve myself. ''Where's Nate?''

''He left with Elliot because he refused to take the bus, I would have gone but I would have woken up an hour before I had to, and that's a big no''

''The bus? What? I hate the bus'' I groaned. "I could have ridden my bike but it was stolen by some idiots. Prestigious academy my ass, it's full of petty thieves" Why didn't they wake me? Oh, that's right, Elliot never wakes me up because he says I'm too aggressive. Which is completely true. A princes needs her beauty sleep. "I hate life" I groaned scratching my head. Stupid wig.

"Someone is bitter"

"You make me bitter" I glared as he grinned.

''Tell me how you really feel," he rolled his eyes. "We better leave now if we want to catch our giant yellow source of transportation'' he beamed pushing himself off the chair. He stood up before me and helped me fix my wig. "I like these. Highlights on you. They're cute" he smiled walking away. I followed him out the door and walked directly behind him. "You're the first to ever say that" I could see my breath because of how cold it was, and it was only September.

"People don't know a good wig when they see one." He turned around and chuckled. "The world is full of idiots"

"Could not agree more" I laughed shaking my head. We walked in silence down the empty street, it's like a ghost town.

''So, anything I need to know sister?'' He grinned. I finally took a good look at Kol. I have only known him for a day or so and he has smiled more than I have all my life. But that smile never quite meets his eyes, his blue eyes even though so clear never clear enough. I can't even imagine what he is going through. All his family is dead. All of them. If he is not the perfect picture of strength, I don't know what is.

''Not really, No one talks to me. I have no friends and the teachers hate me''

''Wow, you seem pleasant'' He commented chuckling. I smirked and kept following him.

"It's true. No one other than Liam knows me. And Broody. And that's because we have like this feud between us."

''Wait'' he stopped, ''You're the girl that ran into me accusing me of trying to break her nose aren't you?'' He asked. My mind returned to that scene that seemed almost forever ago.

''Glad I amuse you dork'' I snapped at the handsome boy before me.

''Dork, really dork?'' he smirked.

''Who are you anyway?'' I asked


''That's an odd name''

''Says the odd girl'' he retorted, ''I like your highlights almost blinded me''


''So because you don't know this person it's a 'thing'?'' He rolled his eyes but smiled.

''You like arguing don't you?''

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