Chapter 37: The girl who just made out with her dead best friend's boyfriend

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Elena POV

I shoved my face in the crook of Liam's neck cursing Aria for not keeping better watch. I am going to absolutely murder that pair of useless idiots. What does keep watch mean? It means to keep a look out and if danger is approaching, to give me a damn heads up. Now I am in this hospital room with Wren and Elliot two feet behind me waiting for an explanation as to why I just kissed Liam.

"It all makes sense now. You being here every single day, never leaving his side."

Aria was here everyday?

"Saying that you couldn't stand being with us but really you just needed an excuse to be here" Wren spat. I could hear his footsteps approach me and I gripped Liam's shoulder in panic. This is it. My plan of being dead is completely ruined. Thanks Aria.

"Hello everyone" I heard a certain voice speak making my rage spike up. I could hear Bustamante making his way around the bed to me. "I heard about Liam's condition and thought it was only right if I showed up to pay my respects,"

"He's not dead," both Wren and I accused. Bustamante kicked my foot warning me to keep quiet.

"Yes of course, Aria here looks devastated" he sighed patting my shoulder. "Would you like to talk about it?" he asked me. I rolled by eyes so far back I'm surprised they did not get stuck back there. I nodded my head yes and slowly let go of Liam standing up looking down at the floor, the blonde wig covering my face. I turned around around and shoved my face on Bustamante's chest.

"You two are pathetic dimwits and I am going to rip you both to pieces the moment we get out of this hospital," I whispered getting a fistful of his sweatshirt. We began to awkwardly make our way out of the room shuffling as I hid my face in his shirt.

"It smells like her," Elliot commented forcing me to stop. "Elena was here" he stated. My eyes widened,

"I'm wearing her sweater," I stated, my voice muffled by Bustamante's sweater.

"He is nodding his head," Bustamante whispered as he lead me out of the room. When I tried to look back he pushed me forward, ensuring that I didn't. I followed him down the stairs and walked behind him once we got to the first floor.

"If it isn't the destroyer of cars, the hateful, vindictive Aria," I heard Stark's voice from behind.

"Keep him away," I warned my eyes wide.

"Not a good time, Stark."

"Ah, Professor. What brings you here?"

"One of my students is in a comma and I was currently consulting with another," he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I see," I heard him state in amusement. I could spot another blonde wearing the exact same clothes as me through the double doors. I began to sprint out of the hospital leaving both men completely surprised. I ran and jumped behind a car pulling Aria down with me.

"Ow, Elena what the hell is your problem? Where the hell did you come from you psychotic imbecile?" she whined holding the shoulder that she landed on. I grabbed the car keys from my jacket and opened the car door jumping inside and locking her out. I pointed to Stark, who was now jogging in our direction. Realization hit her and she nodded her head. I jumped onto the back seat and hid on the floor.

"May I ask why you ran away from me like your rectum was on fire?" Stark asked. I could hear Aria mumbling some words, but couldn't really understand them. "And I heard you kissed Liam." he stated and I could hear the smirk in his words.

"I did what?!" she yelled.


"Don't try to deny it Aria. Everyone knows because Wren was freaking out being all sentimental about it. Naomi just texted everyone. You know her and her annoying habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. I'm actually surprised, your best friend is dead and you lock lips with the guy she liked. Notice how I said like, because she liked him and she loved me"

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