Chapter 33: Life in a flash

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A/N: These are flashbacks from Elena's life! I wanted to make this to sort of explain the route her life took


"But mommy I don't wanna dance" little me whined as mother dragged me into my dance class. My feet were firmly planted on the ground refusing to enter the studio. I had a pink tutu and my hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail.

"Shhh now baby. A princess must learn to dance beautifully" mother chastised pulling me.

"But Noel is in Karate right now and Noel says fighting is more important than twirling around like a flower"

"Noel knows nothing" my mother smiled. "Now Go make friends sweetheart. You never know maybe you'll meet your best friends here"

"I don't think so mommy. They all look weird" I groaned as she pushed me into the crowd of little people in pink. I finally caved and walked in by myself as she sat along with the other mothers. I accidentally bumped into a boy as he was stretching. "I'm sorry" I stated blushing at the cute little boy. He had shaggy, brown hair with hazel-green eyes. He looked much too thrilled to be here.

"Oh that's alright" he grinned, "I'm Wrennold but my mom calls me Wren so you can call me Wren. I'm Wren Duran a Royal. I don't even know what that means but mommy says we're important.  This is Aria she is also a Royal"

"I can introduce myself Wrennold" the little blonde girl grimaced a tight British accent tied to her tone, "Mum is making me do this. Wrenny here is super excited, he was the one that suggested this after all" she glared as she tightened her pony tail.

"Don't call me Wrenny  butt face" Wren spat sticking his tongue out and stomping away.

"He is so sensitive" Aria smirked watching him walk off. "Mum says he has the emotions I don't. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Elena"


"Are these Chocolate flowers?" I asked as the strange little blonde boy handed be a bouquet.

"They are." he blushed. "You don't like real flowers, you said they were lame"

"Thank you" I grinned as six-year-old me took a big bite from one of the flowers.

"You're pretty" he muttered giving me a heart-shaped valentine. I smiled and removed his sandy blonde hair from his face giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"you're pretty too, Stark"


"Elena Argent,"


"Would you give me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

"Stark, we're eleven"

"You ruin everything"


Aria, Wren and I sat in my father's office fiddling with our hands and nervously trying to not make eye contact. Once we looked into my mother's eyes, hell would unleash. "Explain to your mother the story you just to me" father ordered.

"We were in class," I begun my voice a little shaky.

"We were all in a group together and in class we were working on a lab... that involved fire"

"Elena was in charge of the fire" Wren added ignoring my glare.

"Indeed I was. But you see Wren here is a two year old girl so of course when he saw the harmless Black Widow"

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