Twenty Seven: Epilouge

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Niall's Point of View

My eyes flicker open slowly, taking in the faint grey light in the room. I turn my head to my right and see her sleeping figure, outlined gently in the light of the room, and she is so beautiful. I allow myself to lean over and place a kiss on her sleeping head, as our bedroom door bursts open. In come our two beautiful children, who throw themselves onto me screaming: "Wake up daddy it's Christmas!!"
I laugh and push myself out of bed as the children jump onto Lana. She wakes up almost immediatly, and I take the kids into the living room to sit near our tree while she gets ready.

Lana joins us a few minutes later and we sit cuddled together on our couch as our children open their presents, squealing with joy. It's been about 10 years since we got married and it's been the best 10 years of my life. Each year gets better than the last and of course they will continue to get better. One Direction have since broken up, but we all remain very close, quite literally. Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis all have houses right next to ours, each with their own families of course. Liam and Danielle got married shortly after Lana and I did, and Zayn and Louis had a double wedding with Perrie and Eleanor. Harry of course was the last to get married but he did eventually pop the question to Mackenzie, who said yes gracefully by falling out of her chair and spraining her wrist. And we've all been living in London for the last 8 years together.

It was a very unforgettable journey that the 10 of us had the honor of living. I wouldn't change any of it, not even a minute.

I remember the night I first saw Lana, crying in the front row, and I remember every night after that. Every detail seems like it is forever imprinted in my brain, and I wont ever forget any of it. I glance at her, and she is here with me, and our front door bursts open with my 4 best friends walking in with giant smiles on their faces, bearing gifts for everyone, with their wives following closely behind them, and I find myself loving our little family endlessly and forever.

I will always wonder what brought us 5 young boys from different parts of Europe together on that X-Factor stage 13 years ago, and what brought Lana to me after the loss of her best friend 11 years ago. And how I got so lucky as to have this very special life. I guess I'll never know what exactly it was, but whatever it was I am very greatful.

I mean there's always a reason, right?

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