Five: Concert

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Lana's P.O.V.

It's the day of the One Direction concert. 3 weeks have passed. I still can't wrap my mind around Aaron being gone. He should be here. Sitting next to me right now, telling me how happy he is that he could get his hands on a front row ticket just for me. How he would go with me, but he wouldn't be able to handle the fan girls.

"Lana! If you want to make it into the city on time you better leave within the next two hours!" My mom calls from downstairs.

"Alright! Thanks mom!" I yell back, as I jump from my bed where I have been laying all day.

I shower first. Mom kept her promise and took me shopping a the day after the ticket arrived and I got a few outfits because I wasn't able to decide which one I liked the most. But I finally had it.

As I wrap a gigantic blue towel around my tiny frame I hear my mom leave the house and drive away. She had to work the late shift tonight so she couldn't drive me down to New York City.

I pull on my favorite matching red bra and panties then walk over to my closet and pull out the flowy turquoise top that I bought purely because I loved turquoise, and the pair of vibrant green shorts I bought to go with it. I smile approving of myself in the mirror and start drying my hair while turning the volume on my iPhone dock up to jam out to One Direction, even though I will be hearing them live in less than 4 hours.

I grab my curling iron from it's hiding place and quickly turn it on, then I grab my favorite bronze eye shadow and lightly apply it. That's all I was using for make up tonight. I quickly curl my hair and it seems to fall perfectly into place behind my shoulders as I finish. Then I grab my silver ballet flats from their place in the back of my closet and slide them on. I walk over to my mirror again and smile approvingly. I then walk over to my night stand, take my phone off of its dock, grab my ticket and my car keys, and clip my locket from Aaron around my neck as I walk out the door.

I was ready to see One Direction.


Niall's P.O.V. (YAY!!!!)

"Alright Niall." Lou said as she finishes playing with my hair.

"Good?" I ask as I stand up.

"Yeah, go get dressed." She replies.

I bolt to my clothes which have been put out for me. I pull the simple white top over my head and start pulling my blue pants on as Liam bursts in, playing with the buttons on his plaid shirt but giving up and leaving it unbuttoned to reveal his simple black top.

"Hey Liam!" I say.

"Hey, you ready mate?" He asks smiling.

Liam knew this was my dream. "Of course. I've been waiting my whole life for this." I say, slipping my feet into my favorite high tops.

"I know. I'm so excited! I can hear the fans screaming already!" Liam replies as Harry, Louis, and Zayn run in. Harry is wearing a white top too, as is Louis. But Louis had on more jean looking pants than Harry. Zayn is wearing jeans with a white tank and a blue looking blazer.

"The fans are ready!" Zayn says smiling.

"Well come on then! I want to hear them!" I say as I grab my earpiece from the table and run out the door.

The boys are right. The fans have only been here for a few minutes and already they are well above what should be a normal sound level.

"You're on in ten!" Lou says coming up to us just to do last minute checks to make sure our wardrobes aren't malfunctioning. Not that the fans would mind, but I would.

There's Always A Reason (Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant