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The first born prince of Tanbarun tossed and turned fitfully in his sleep. A dream that felt as real as life itself was playing through his mind.

He stepped towards a soft melody being played upon the strings of a violin and he smiled to himself. Such a beautiful song. He followed the sound of the music. It led him to a girl playing out on a castle balcony. Her dress and hair were as dark as the midnight sky behind her. Her eyes were closed, a smile across her face as she brought the bow across the strings expertly.

Prince Raj Shenazard stumbled forward, losing his balance. The girl's eyes shot open, revealing vivid violet eyes. Raj's breath caught in his eyes, and he watched wordlessly as the girl tilted her head, eyes brimming with questions.

Before Raj could get his mouth working, his shoulder was being shaken gently. "Prince Raj. Wake up, sir."

Raj blinked against the sun, finding his close aid standing over him. His eyes shot to the window, "I've over slept. I'll be in the library,

"News from the kingdom of Claranese, Prince Raj." Sakaki said with a dejected tone.

"Ah... I see. So it has finally happened." A small smile lit his lips. "We should pay our neighbors and the friend of the crown a visit.

Midnight Black With The Violet EyesWhere stories live. Discover now