The Break Up

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A few mumbles went up through the crowd. I guessed I swayed them a bit.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Calypso on Long Island Sound." I said hoping it wouldn't work.

Of course, as usual nothing went my way and Calypso's smiling face appeared in front of me.

"Hey Leo! What up!" Calypso exclaimed.

She looked like she was sitting near a lake. Probably talking to some dryads. She was so beautiful as her hair swayed in the light breeze.

I looked around the crowd catching a few familiar faces. Nobody came to my aid. Nicos face was also seen in the shadows. Knowing nobody was was going to help I turned back around. With a sly smile on my face I spoke to Calypso.

" I've got something to tell you........." I said quietly.

I looked down and realised I was playing with my shirt.

"What's wrong?" Calypso looked worried.

I could tell this wasn't going to end well. The sweat was building up on my forehead fast now.

"I was thinking and though now was the perfect time to tell you before we get to serious... I think we should..." My voice caught on the last two words.

I could tell by her expression she knew what I was hinting at. Tears looked like they where going to come streaming down.

"It's just that I only pretended to love you so I could escape Ogygia. We were never right for each other and I didn't ever have real feelings for you. It's just I was extremely tired and just scared. I wanted to come home. Swearing on the River Styx was the only way to satisfy the gods. I'm sorry..." My voice cracked and my throat hurt.

It took all my energy to get that out and I hated that I had to. Calypso face was tear streaked which hurt me so much more. I looked pathetic just standing there but my inside where gone. I couldn't move like a statue. Calypso looked grief then turned to anger.

"I knew this was too good to be true! I could never escape that islands curse even when I wasn't there. Leo Valdez, you are pathetic and I hate you!!!" She screamed it and that was exactly how I felt, pathetic.

With one more angry glance at me she swiped at the cloud in one swift move and my connection with her was lost.

I hated myself for agreeing to do that. I hated myself for the pain I had to put Calypso through for it. I hated myself for my selfishness.

Why didn't I just say no. A simple no could have been good enough. But I was stupid and lost the love of my life to a stupid game. Now that I think about it she may not even want to get back together after finding out it was a dare. All this over a game! Yeah, she definitely would want to get back together!

I collapsed to the ground and put my head in my hands. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why am I so stupid?!?" I groaned. My words were sloppy.

I looked up, my face wet from tears. I shot Nico a glare.

"Are you happy now?" I yelled at him.

He looked taken back then he stared at the floor. "I'm sorry." He whispered with sorrow clearly present in his voice.

The grass around his feet turned brown before slowly dying out. It was as dead as I felt. As mad as I was at Nico I couldn't blame him because it was all me.

I got up and walked into the forest with my shoulders slumped. I could hear people calling my name with concern but I ignored them, I ignored all of them. I just kept walking. I didn't stop until I was in Bunker Nine.
I dropped to the stone floor and just lay there. I wasn't sure how long but when I looked up an eery sunlight ray peeked through a small hole in the roof I had made with one of my inventions. I heard happy cheers coming from the temporary dining pavilion making me more depressed. How could anyone be so happy???

A/N: Remember this is after Trails of Apollo so the dining pavilion got smashed.

I got up, but my energy was sapped out of me. My legs were weak and wobbly so when I tried to walk I just collapsed, hitting the floor hard. The pain was nothing compared to what I was feeling inside. This time I stayed lying on the chilled floor. Sobs escaped my mouth and tears drained my face. Eventually I fell asleep.
A/N: Next chapter is done! I uploaded two back to back! Round of applause for me!!! Anyway, leave feedback!





And don't forget to enjoy!!!!!!

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