The same guy who greeted us, approached us with a horse carriage.

"So tell me. What can I help you folks with again?"

"Could you take us to see the Wizard?"

"Yes of course! But first, let me take you somewhere in which you can tidy up a bit. Not trying to be rude but none of you are going to see the great Wizard looking like that," he laughed.

I smiled. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! I honestly agree. We've walked for hours and hours, and we feel so messy so thanks again."

We climbed in the carriage and I kid you not, the horse in front has changed its appearance.

In other words, instead of its original color, it's purple!

Yes, purple. Never seen a purple horse before. Hell, nobody has seen a purple horse before.

"What kind of a horse is that?" I asked

"Hahahaha," he chuckled.

The horse began to change colors while we were escorted to a beauty salon.

A beauty salon!

The last time I went to a beauty salon, I was about ten years old. And it was only because I was involved in a school play and my teacher payed for everything.

Can't say that I don't miss Kansas and my family because I do, but this place is unbelievable.

Still convinced that this is all in my head but now that I think about it, this must be reality. All of this has got to be real. If it was a dream, I should have woke up by now.

"Now let's do something about this ponytail," said the hairdresser.

I rolled my eyes. "This is my signature look m'am. My hair was damaged and a ponytail is the only way to protect it."

She laughed. "Okay. But I hope you don't plan on going to see the Wizard with a ponytail in your head."

"Well, how else am I going to wear my hair? My natural hair was damaged. And besides, I love my ponytail."

"Honey listen to me. This ponytail has to go okay?"

I sighed. "Okay."

We're all getting makeovers. Scarecrow looks healthier with more straw. They oiled up tin man. And lion is getting his fur trimmed.

"How do you like it?" she asked.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. She curled my hair which is something I never do. But, I like it. Honestly truly.

"It's perfect!" I shrieked "thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Now you're ready to see the Wizard."

"And I'm so excited. Thank-"

I was cut off due to a loud noise in the sky.

Scarecrow pointed, "what the hell is that?" he asked.

"It's the witch. The wicked witch of the West. It's gotta be. She's followed us here," I muttered.

The Wizard of OZ • N.W.A. Where stories live. Discover now