Chapter 58: Fifty Bucks

Start from the beginning

"She'll turn into a vampire?" Eve asked. "That's what it sounds like."

"Worse," Caleb breathed out. "She will rot. The more her magic depends on the blood magic, the more of her life it will suck out if it does not have what it needs. She will start to rot body and soul without it, becoming a shell of nothing–a revolting creature that is a slave to her magic's demands, it's very likable to a rogue. Her logical mind will start to become a slave to the magic in her, forgoing any coherent thought when hungry. The hungry it gets, the more it takes over, and there are some parts that she will never be able to get back."

"Holy shit," Lucas breathed out.

"Keep letting her have it then," Ethan almost laughed out. "Let her rot herself away."

"It gives her more power Ethan, you know that," Levi warned.

"Power that is nothing without her drink. Is there any way to keep it from her that morning or distract her?" Caleb asked.

"Potentially," Ethan mused.

"Well," Caleb sighed out. "Either way, she has been doing it for too long. I can't imagine the toll it's taken on her already. She's weak without it. Think of it like a vampire with their blood or you if you don't let your beast out after a long time. You go mad. Vampires specifically, need their blood to do a number of things; and while age plays a role in it, no blood no power."

I leaned back against Ethan as Caleb's words sank in. My thoughts traveling back to the day that the rogues had taken Derek. The day Levi and I came home from the bear hunt to fund Derek so weak that he was burning in the sun–blood deprived. Even with his age, if he went long enough without it, he too would start to become a slave to his hunger.

My beast stirred and agreed. We both thought about what would happen if we didn't let her out when she needed to–when we needed her too. I thought about times when I had gone too long without letting her run in our fun; I was angry, ancy, and anxious.

"So, what? The more magic she uses the more she needs her go-go juice?" Lucas asked.

"Something like that," Caleb replied. "I would let Susie and Bernard handle her–"

"I was thinking that Dominic and Lizzie could compel her?" my thought out loud, my mother feeding him another cookie which made him look at her with a warm smile of crumbs decorating his mouth.

"Just keep her from using her magic, I could care less of how you dispose of her as long as you do efficiently," Caleb said as he looked at my father, his eyes firm. "Things are moving Hadrian. We can feel it."

"What do you mean?" Eve asked.

"I mean that she is smart," Caleb said before he took a puff of his cigar. "Very smart. Don't be blinded by this happiness now, you live in a world where you could be ripped apart again."

I felt Ethan still behind me while my own heart skipped a beat. Levi's beast was shaking his fur out while Lucas' jaw clenched. My father pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long breath before he nodded . "You're right, what do you think it is?"

"We're not sure. Daphne is out with some others to check on the realms, specifically our favorite people. It's secure, very secure, but you never know these days. My advice to you would be to do it quickly, as dissatisfying as it may be. Send her here and rest easy knowing that she and her father will suffer greatly."

"Alright," my father breathed out. "We're going to bring the other's here and brief them. If we need anything we'll bowl call you again but I don't want to take any chances."

"Sounds good," Caleb said with a nod before he took a long sip of coffee. "Bernard, help me back into the bowl please."

Ethan was toying with some of my hair as Bernard helped Caleb carefully step back into the bowl. He waved at us and bid us all goodbye while my beast stirred, the thought of being separated from Ethan again was unbearable.

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