The hard part 🌚

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She spent her whole life fixing broken hearts, yet she didn't know how to fix her own...
                                                                - Nicole ❤️✨
Rosa 🌹

My heart actually hearts and this time getting locked up isn't going to fix it. I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling which was covered in stars. I actually like it there and I was doing way better but here no one gives me the attention I really need. My father acts like I'm not even here anymore and he won't send me back.

"Rosa, time to eat" his wife called

Y'all are probably wondering why I don't like her. Well ever since that argument me and her got into I didn't really like her no more...

*flash back*

"Why do you keep doing this. Me and your father are stressed out because your dumb ass wants to do stupid shit" she said

Obviously annoyed with me by the way she rolled her eyes and motioned her hands.

"Listen, why do you keep trying to be my mother? I am gonna still do what I do because you know what I don't have to listen to you or my father and I'm not a dumb ass. I'm not failing though and aren't you living off my 'fathers' money. Why didn't your ass go to college, huh?" I said

"Listen here little fat bitch. Don't disrespect me in my damn house" she said and walked away

I'll show you a fat bitch. Why is it when I get into any argument with her it's always 'fat bitch' but just because I'm thick and she bone skinny don't mean shit and that's why her little ass is about to carry this ass whoppin.

* flash back over *

Anyways we just never got along. Plus it's not right to call someone out their name. But that bitch word now that's a negative. That's the most down disrespectful ass word. I can't stand it.

Everything i been threw in life and more just keeps adding on.

I walked down the stairs to see the only boy I really hate with a passion. My ex. I swear to god.

I walked up to him and took the blade out of my cheek and put it to his neck.

"Baby Girl, I'm just here to talk" he said as he placed his hands in the air

"Talk" I said with the blade farther into his neck

"I think we should try to work things out" he said

"I think the fuck not. Do you not remember what you done to me. Get the fuck out" I said

"Rosa. I invited him to dinner" my father said

I gave him the dirtiest look and went back upstairs. I guess I'm not eating tonight. I can't believe my own damn flesh and blood would do that to me. My father paid him to go out with me and of course my dumb ass didn't know and you wonder why I act the way I act. All the so called 'friends' I had were paid. But my 'father' wasn't paying anyone at the detention school. That's how I knew they were my real friends because I was so use to the fake ones.

I grabbed a jacket and a pair of timbs and opened my window slowly. I climbed out and closed it back then went around to find the balcony and jumped down. I walked on the sidewalk of this cold winter night as I watched everyone else do stuff with their family. I wish my family was like that. It was maybe a family about 3 and they were all at the table laughing and talking like normal people but of course i don't know my whole family nor do I know anyone really.

I never had a normal child hood where I could just play with the kids or even be outside. I don't even have a sibling, being the only kid is great till you get lonely or bored.

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