Chapter 14

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I feel very calm. Relaxed. Which lasted for a very brief second because I'm going to be on TV! On my favourite show! This is so going in my resumé! Haha! All those kids back at kindergarten saying that they don't believe in me, telling me that it isn't possible and I won't make it big. Well now they'll be wanting autographs and selfies from me!

I may sound hysterical, but this could be one step closer to achieving a brilliant acting career. No, this is one step closer to a dream come true. I still couldn't believe that this happened. If my mom was still around, things could have been different.

But right now, I need to find Ash and Dawn. And if you're thinking that this is some Pokémon reference that I made up, then no, it isn't. How should I know what Pokémon is?


Yeah, so anyways, I went to the cashier because I did see something I like while I was in the middle of the challenge. It was a red jacket. And it's gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as Sal. God, the thought of him just makes me blush.

"That'll be $19.99." the man said as he puts the red jacket in the bag, smiling back at me. Oh god, he must be thinking that I'm flirting with him. Yeah, he's cute, but I already have someone else in my mind.

"Okay." I said rapidly, grabbing my wallet out and giving him the 20 dollars. "Bye." I said fast-walking my way out of the shop.

I really want to stick around and be with the guys, but I have something to do first. I'm sure Patrick will hang around with the guys, unless he had other plans to do.

After walking out of the Gap store, I began my search for my little sister and my pissed off bestie, but I soon thought that it'd be easier to just let them know where to meet up. I grab my phone out of my pocket and opened WhatsApp. Rapidly tapping the letters on the keyboard, I send the message to both of them.

"Sorry about that! Will meet u at Café Spice in 5!"

I ran to where the café is located at in the mall, remembering where it is. Going up a floor in the elevator, I found a café. Unfortunately, not the café. I glance at the sign above it which read "Café Cherry Berry". I begin to confuse myself. Am I crazy? No, it used to be there. What happened?

This annoys me, but I don't have time to throw fisy fits and look for answers. Right now, I need to find the right café. If it's still there.

I turn around to find the map of the mall behind me, so I searched for the café that I'm looking for. Thankfully, it's still there in the mall. Just at a different place. Like, the other side of the mall.

"...okay..." I said to myself, taking a deep breath before I began to run. On your marks...get-

"GO!" I shout, running faster and faster every second, using up all of my stamina. I hope I can make it in time. No, I know I can make it. The extra weight ain't helping though, but I'm not going to let that slow me down.

Somehow, after quickly glancing at my phone to check the time, which had only been four minutes, I found the café, which is pretty busy with people coming in and out. And I found the girls, who are sitting just outside of the café. I made it. And I didn't even break a sweat. I guess the gym does pay off. Thank you mom.

"MEL! Where the fuck were you!?" Sweet ol' Ashley jumped out of her seat, tightly grasping her chocolate milkshake that showed her full anger. "Thanks to you, I had to buy your shopping AND stuff for your sister who wouldn't leave the shop until she got what she wanted!"

I saw the shopping bags next to the chair where Ashley was sitting. There were only two bags, so I don't see what the big fuss is all about. She's going to have to buy stuff for herself sooner or later, even if she had a family, she shouldn't make a fuss about blowing money to support herself, like food and shoes

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