Chapter 16

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4:26 PM

I sit on my bed, watching the rain at its worst flooding the small cul-de-sac through the window. Yeah, now that's what you call summer.

Dawn was not happy after getting her clothes wet. And getting the shopping bags in the house wasn't easy, even though there were only three bags. I guess it's a good thing that she bought four packs of cheese pizza, her favourite kind. It's like medicine. That and comedy.

I turn the lamp on that rested on my locker, making my room lit up a little and less gloomy and turned on my laptop. In just a couple of minutes, I'll be talking about anything from celebrity gossip to politics to dogs and shoes with my closest friend, just a bunch of nonsense really. Well, that's what we usually talk about, but I have a feeling that this is going to be different. For sure.

I open Skype and after noticing that Ashley is online, I instantly click call. Waiting for her to answer, I grab my white furry blanket, because my white pajamas are not keeping me warm.

"Hey there girlfriend!" Ashley waves at the screen after answering the call. She's in her room, which has pink wallpaper with posters hanging on the wall behind her. Some are from her favourite bands, but I do see a couple of Impractical Jokers posters on the left.

I wave back to her, like always. "Hey!"

"You're a couple minutes early. I thought I'm the one who's supposed to call you?"

I sigh. "You're starting to sound like my mom. Besides, we don't always have to call each other at 4:30 sharp. I figured it'd be nice for a change."

"Mel, you know damn well how I want to do things on the dot! Otherwise I'll have to face serious consequences!"

"I meant to ask you this before you left, but what did your mom want from you back at the mall?"

"Don't get me started on that."

"Alright, whatever you say. I'm just hoping you didn't do anything to upset her."

Before Ashley could do anything she got out of her bed and left for a few seconds, slamming her bedroom door. She leaped back on her bed with a smile, acting like nothing has happened.

"Okay, I'm just going to pretend that the last few seconds hasn't happened."

"Sorry, my mom is on the phone. Shouting. Again. I don't know if you could hear her." Ashley briefly shakes her head as she places her pillow on her chest, hugging it for warmth.

I rub my chin, using my acting skills to pretend to act curious. "I wonder what she's mad about this time."

"It isn't because of me, in case you're wondering. Besides, it doesn't really matter anymore. It's always trash. So, let's finish what we started."

Of course she's going to bring this up. How could she forget? This is going to be something that she'll remember for the rest of her life. "What else is there to talk about? I like Sal and Sal-" I pause.

"Oh my gosh! You think that Sal likes you? I'm glad you're starting to see the big picture Mel."

"I didn't say that."

"But that's what you're going to say, am I right?"

I sigh, looking away from the screen before admitting what she said with a slight nod. "I just figured it out back at the mall. Well, if it wasn't for my sister's help."

"I don't understand why you're so oblivious about Sal liking you. Does anyone else know about your "secret" crush with Sal?" Ashley asks quoting the word secret with her two fingers.

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