Chapter 12

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I start to think who could be at my front door, and only two people came to mind.

My first thought. Ashley. She likes to stop by at my place whenever she likes to, whatever the time of day. It annoys me that she doesn't warn me when she stops by. One time, I heard the door open and all of a sudden, I grabbed my baseball bat in the shed and nearly knocked her out unconcious. She was pretty pissed, but at the end, it became a laughing gag. She knocks on my door ever since, but she still needs to work on telling me that she's coming around and stopping by.

Even if it was her at the front door, I wouldn't know where to start on why she wants to see me. It's always something random.

The other person could be my next door neighbour Patrick. He's a sweet guy. Again, I honestly don't know why he'd come by my place. Maybe he's having second thoughts about our brief relationship? Maybe some advice for the next step of my soon-to-be relationship with Sal?

I got to the door at last, and now I wish I didn't. I swung the door open. It isn't Ashley. No surprise. But I wished it was Patrick, because I could use him by my side right now.

"Sal." I said his name, after making eye contact with him. His gelled hair is combed to the side, and wearing a red plaid t-shirt over his black t-shirt and torn jeans. He looks a little tense when he saw me, but I couldn't pay attention to how he feels at the moment.

"Yeah. That's my name." Sal smiles after a brief pause, adjusting his glasses. I try not to blush, but it's hard to resist when he smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him with my arms crossed, returning the smile back.

"I'm just checking in on you. Seeing how you're doing and..." Sal sounded nervous, he couldn't think of anything else to say to finish his sentence. I assumed that he wanted me to answer as soon as possible before things get wierd. Sal ended the sentence with a small shrug.

"I'm doing fine, thank you." I answer, tucking my hair back.

"So um, how was your date with Patrick?" Sal asks, scratching the back if his head as if didn't want to know, yet he does.

"The date was wonderful. He's been such a gentleman the whole night." I answer, letting my thoughts picture Patrick, until I saw the look Sal made last night. The look on his face said he was gutted, disappointed, upset, yet he tries to hide it. "But after that, we both decided that it would be best to stay as friends."

The look on Sal's face completly changed when I told him about the relationship status. "Oh, I'm sorry things didn't work out between the two of you." Sal says in the least convincing dissapointed tone.

I don't know what's with him. I wish I did though. Maybe he just has apathy for Patrick or something. I hope not. I wish he would tell me, but then again, he won't say unless I ask him. I'll have to remember that for another time.

"It's okay. We both decided that it'd be best if we stayed friends. After all this time, I really thought he was the one." I said. "Is there something else you want?"

"Actually, there is." Sal takes a step closer to me. My heart started to pound. And something inside me was just about to blossom. This isn't the same feeling Sal and I had back at the meet and greet. This feels different. "You don't have to do this, but...Q and I are going to shoot the next challenge in the city with Joe and Murr, and...I was wondering if you would like to be a part of it?"

I smiled as soon as his mouth was shut closed. I thought he was going to do something crazy, like kiss me. It may not be a kiss, but being on TV is even better. Well, not better, if you know what I mean. "Really? You want me to be on your show?" I try to control myself to not freak out when I was offered to be on my favourite show.

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