Chapter 10

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"Who could it be?" I ask myself mentally, anxiously.

After unexpectingly hearing a loud knock at the front door, I approach the door, wondering who would want to talk to them at this time of night. They just moved in. Surely they would want them to settle in first before people start dropping by. I just prayed to God that it isn't my mom. Maybe she already knows about the little lie I made. It could be too late.

I grasp the door handle nervously and pulled it towards me. I let out a huge sigh of relief after seeing my next door neighbour Patrick at the front door. I felt warm inside after observing his outfit. He is dressed like a bad boy, with his long hair slicked back, brown leather jacket unzipped, which showed a tight black t-shirt and a necklace made of wooden beads that he made himself. He really knows how to dress to impress. Impress the ladies of course.

"Patrick? What are you doing here?" I ask Patrick smiling.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question love?" he throws the same question at me as he adjusts his brown leather jacket. Well, he's got me there.

"Dawn and I were helping Q and Sal unpack." I answer, hugging myself to keep warm from the cool breeze that was passing through.

"Okay, what are you doing now?" he asks, taking a peek at the new house.

I look back at the dining room where Sal, Q and Dawn are, then looking back at Patrick. "Just finished eating dinner." I answer as I lean against the wall. "What do you want?"

Patrick inserts his hands into his dark blue jeans pockets, takes a step closer, his face right in front of mine. First thought, he's going to kiss me. Thought wrong. "Melinda, I want to tell you something. I've known you for as long as I can remember. Long enough so I can take this friendship to the next level. Would you like to go out with me my girlfriend?" he whispers with a faint voice.

That question sort of startled me, mentally. I repeat the question over and over again making sure that I hear right. I never thought he'd ask me out. I can just hug him and kiss him and do stuff to him, but there's a reason why I'm in their house in the first place. I was helping Q and Sal sort out their house, and now I'm babysitting my sister. I look back at the others in the dining room, wondering why I'm smiling so much. "I'd love to." I accept the offer, now officially being his new girlfriend.

I hug Patrick, smelling his hair and a sweet musky cologne that he's wearing. Why though? "You smell nice." I compliment.

"Yeah, I was hoping if you'd like to go out and do it now?" Patrick says, breaking the hug.

"Now?" I gasp.

The others joined in and wondered what all the fuss is about. "What's going on?" Q says behind me. I turn to look at Q and Sal and told them the news.

"Patrick and I. We're dating!" I announce with a grin, revealing my sparkling white teeth that seems to make the room a little less dim as I wrap my arm, bringing him closer to me.

"Wow! That's great news!" Q comments, giving me a hug. I'm glad they're so supportive. Sal gave me a shorter hug and gave me a weak nod. He looked a little less pleased with my news. I wasn't sure why.

"I'm actually going now. Would you mind watching Dawn for me while I'm gone?" I ask them, already knowing the answer.

"Sure." Q says, placing his hands on my sister's shoulders. "You guys have fun." Q finishes. I took a quick glance at Sal again and felt like he was dissapointed in something. He seems to hide his feelings well by putting on a fake smile. Now this is going to bother me for a while, but I'm not going to complain now.

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