chapter 1

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Zayn lay in the cold bed that belonged to him. He had his eyes close, his back to the door as he listened intently at the quiet voices outside. The foot steps became clearer, indicating that they were coming towards Zayn’s room. He sighed silently, he knew what was next. 

The door creaked opened and the light lit up the dark room. Zayn didn’t move a muscle. 

“Here is where you’ll be staying. That’s Zayn, he’s your roommate. Try to get along somewhat, I won’t change your rooms unless I have to.” 

He nodded setting his bag down at the foot of his bed. He starred at Zayn’s motionless body before the room when black again. He swallowed thickly, climbing into his bed and curling into the cold blankets. 

Zayn rolled around, opening his eyes and letting them readjust to the light. He saw the boy laying in the other bed across the room. 

“I’ve had this room to myself for nearly four months.” He stated causing the boy to jump and turn around. He starred, trying to see Zayn’s face in the darkness.

“Who are you?” 

“My name?” He asked, his voice quiet.

“No I want to know your area code, yes your fucking name.” 


“Well, Harry,” Zayn paused, hearing the footsteps. “Go to sleep.” He let out fast, turning his body around and laying still. Harry shut his eyes quietly before the light engulfed the room again. After a few moments the door closed again and it was dark.


“Get up! Breakfast in ten minutes! Get up!” The lady kept yelling, over and over as he walked up and down wing six.

Harry groaned, slowly pulling the covers off of his head. Zayn was already standing up, new pants on and working on his shirt. Harry rolled out of bed and watched as Zayn did his hair in the little mirror they had. 

“Is it like this every morning?” Harry asked cautious. 

“Yep.” Zayn didn’t look away from his reflexion. “And you better hurry unless you want to walk by yourself on your first day.” Zayn turned and glared at Harry.

Harry quickly pulled on some jeans and a loose fitting shirt, followed by his necklaces. He ran his hands through his hair, shaking out his curls before looking at Zayn for approval. 

Zayn eyed him up before talking. “I’d take off those necklaces.” 

“Why?” Harry fumbled with them.

“If you want to keep them, they’ll take them away if they see them.” 

“They can’t-“

“They can.” Zayn cut him off before heading out the door, Harry following.

They made their way into the open lobby. The room was large, directly connected to each of the living rooms. Breakfast was set up at one end, the tables and chairs on the other. There were two guards at each door, one at the end of the line for food. 

“There’s not many people in this wing.” Zayn explained as he made his way to the food line. “There’s two groups of us here, the one I run and the one that don’t really talk much.” 

They walked through the line, food being dropped onto their trays. At the end of the line they were handed a plastic spoon, fork and a napkin. Zayn led Harry to a table that already occupied two girls and three guys. 

Zayn sat down first. “Newbie.” They all nodded, continuing to eat. Harry slowly slide down beside Zayn, glancing around at the others at the table. 

“Who are you?” The blonde guys from across the table asked.


Zayn placed a hand on Harry’s back, leaning back so Harry could see everyone at the table. 

“This is Perrie, shes’ known as prostitute.” 

“Why?” Harry tried to whisper. 

“Hopefully you’ll find out soon.” Zayn winked at Harry, turning back to the rest of the table. “Next to her is Jade, but I like to call her bitch.” 

Zayn pointed across the table from her to the blonde that spoke to Harry previous. “That’s Niall. He’s asshat.” Niall rolled his eyes.

“That’s Liam. We call him pussy though because I believe he’s only in here because he lied.” 

In front of Harry was the last person at the table. Zayn removed his hand from Harry’s back and began eating again. “And that’s Louis. I like Louis so I just call him Tommo. Nothing to make fun of him for.”

“You know me, I’m Zayn and I’m the leader of this group.” Zayn boasted. 

“You wish.” Perrie said taking a bit. 

“And that’s why know ones given me a nickname?” Zayn smirked.

“Yeah cuz you’ll probably beat us up if we did.” Liam added.

“Oh shut up Pussy, that never stopped Niall.” Liam lowered his head, shutting up. 

The same lady from the night before, and this morning, approached the table, handing each of them a small cup. Harry looked down into his to find to white pills. 

“You lucky shit.” Zayn said looking down over his shoulder.

“What are these?” Harry asked.

Zayn took the cup from Harry’s hands and starred down into the cup for a few seconds. “Happy pills.” Zayn set the cup down and slid it back over to Harry. “You in here because you’re depressed?” 

“I’m not depressed.” Harry stated, watching the three men across the table from him down their pills so he did the same. “Who is that lady anyway?” He asked after he swallowed.

Zayn eyed him, swallowing his own five pills. “That’s G. She’s our overseer or whatever you wanna call her. She’s in charge of this wing, make sure we don’t get into too much trouble.” 

“What do we do here anyways?” Harry asked after watching Perrie, Jade and Liam all get up and put their trays back.

“Tomorrow we start up this new thing where we go and talk about our feels with G.” Louis answered, getting up himself. 

“Yeah that’s gunna be interesting.” Zayn got up himself and Harry followed.


Harry walked behind Zayn and in front of Liam as they headed down a hallway until they stopped in front of a locked door. G until it with her large ring of keys. Harry looked around in amazement at the large room he entered. 

It was a gym, large and open. In the back was a row of machines, on one side was weights, the other yoga mats and the perimeter was a track. 

Harry walked slowly, taking it all in as the rest of the people ventured out. 

“You’ve got forty five minutes.” G announced as she started up some music. Harry turned around and found Zayn.

“What do you do?” Harry asked.

“I normally just walk around the track, or watch them lift weights if they are.” They both turned around to see Perrie Jade and Niall sitting on the yoga mats and Liam and Louis on the treadmills.

“Want to walk with me?” Zayn asked. 

“I guess.” They headed to the track and began circling around in silence.

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