Chapter 11

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We were in the car for about 10 more minutes until we pulled up to a big white house with flashing lights and loud music blasting from the speakers. It was a huge party. Their were kids passed out on the front lawn and beer cans and trash everywhere.

We got out of they car and screaming kids and the smell of beer filled around me. Kids were grinding on each other and people taking shots all around me. This is so typical of Jack. To take me to a party for our first date, then get me wasted and take advantage of me. Little does he know, that's not happening with me. I'm not like the other  girls he's been with. Actually, he was never really with anyone, he mostly just hooked up with them and make them feel they were in love for about a day then end it. He cant mess with a girls feelings like that. It's like he has no care in the world but betting layed every month.

We walk over to the bar and he gets a drink. I'm pretty sure it's alcohol, I got soda. I am not getting drunk.

"Are you sure you don't want any thing else to drink?" Jack asks

"No i'm fine. But thanks" I say giving him a fake smile

"What ever you say, just saying, you shouldn't be so uptight. This is a party, have some fun" He says putting his hand on my back.

"I can have all the fun I want sober, unlike some people," I say the last part a little quieter.

"What was that?" He asks

"I said 'unlike some people' because you think I have to drink to have fun. You're wrong," I say looking up at him.

"Yeah whatever you say, You'll be drinking later" He says mumbling, making it hard to he to hear him.

"What was that?" I ask

"Oh nothing" He said smiling rocking back and forth on his heals.

"That's what I thought," I say smiling.

-An hour later-

Jack is on his 3rd drink and trying to get me to dance with him. I'm pretty sure he's drunk, not that drunk though.

"Jack come on, let's get you home," I say holding on to his hand trying to get him out the door to the car.

"wait babe, I need to pee" I says stumbling upstairs.

I sit on the couch and look around to see people dancing around me. Their were a lot of good dancers, they actually impressed me. I mean their better than I am so that's a plus.

Fifteen minutes have passed and Jack is still in the bathroom. I walk upstairs to see something I couldn't believe.

WOooo! Donn donnnn donnnnnnnn! Okie, My other story is already completed if you would like to read it! It's a gr8 boooook! :)))

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