19: Deteriorate

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I drive and I drive and I drive. I go to his house. Not there. I go to the school. Vacant. Finally, I drive to The Spot, and I get out and walk up the cliff, running out of breath on the way up. I really need to get in shape. I light a cigarette as I plant my feet on the solid, flat ground, and look around for a mop of black hair or a scarred face.

There are a lot of people here. Like a lot. The music is booming excruciatingly and I'm already getting a headache from the smell of alcohol. It looks just like that night. Full of victims to The Spot. Stupid teenagers doing things they shouldn't be doing. It's sad, really.

I cut through the crowd, hearing the whispers. Faggot, faggot, faggot... Deep breath. Push forward. I see the blonde hair of Holly in the distance, with a beer in her hand and her ass all over a sophomore. Poor kid, you can see the scared look on his face. The unsure look in his eyes. His hands shake, wanting to touch her curves, but everything else is screaming no... Well almost everything. Heterosexuals. No control, I swear.

I walk up to her, and watch as her drunken mind tries to place who I am. Recognition washes over her face and a twisted grin plasters on her face.

"Oh! Carter! Hi there, I didn't expect to see you here after what all happened. I am so so so so so very sorry for that. It was all Jakob's idea, I swear! You wanna a beer? We should dance. You wanna dance?" Yeah so she isn't making much sense. Then again, people like her never do.

"No, I'm good. Where is Jakob? Or have you seen River?" She pouts and takes another swig of her beer. I drag off my cigarette, and wait patiently for her response.

"Oh uhm. Yeah. They went off somewhere over there." She points into the woods, and smiles again. "I didn't know you smoke. That's sexy. You sure you don't wanna dance?" I sigh and roll my eyes at her, threading my fingers through my hair.

"I'm a faggot, remember?" And then I walk off toward the woods, feeling my blood boil. Fake people. Fake teenagers. Fake. Fake. Fake.

And then I see them. In-between the trees. River's hand twisted in Jakob's shirt, fierce anger, hatred, ignited in his blue orbs, fully alive in the darkening scene. I jog up, latching on to River's wrist. "Stop." I hiss at him. Question mixes with the fire in his eyes, but he let's go.

"Ohhh, look who came to save the day." Jakob's voice laughs through the intensity. I turn to him, glaring.

"Shut up!" Venom clean in my voice. It takes both guys aback, and I breathe ruggedly, stepping on the fallen cigarette. "You, you are a conniving piece of hypocritical shit. Do you understand that? You talk way to much and attempt to ruin the lives of people that you can't have your way with. I should allow River to rip you apart. Hell, I should do it myself. But you know what Jakob? I know who you are. I've known people like you my entire fucking life, and I know you are nothing but a pitiful piece of garbage. I refuse to waste my time on low life's like you. So we are done here. Got it? Good." I grab River's arm and pull him behind me through the crowd. He's saying something, but I'm not listening. I just drag us through the people and down the cliff to the cars.

"Where is your car?" I ask him. He looks almost scared to speak. He shakes his head, and stares into my eyes just before flinching away.

"Walked." Is all he says. I nod and pull him to my car, the thing I barely ever drive, and push him into the passenger seat. I walk around to the drivers seat and get in, sitting there for a few moments, trying to control my breathing. "I'm sorry.." He says. "I just wanted to protect you."

"The entire situation is just plain childish. But it's whatever. It's over now. Done. You understand?" He nods then I nod, cranking the car just as my cell phone rings. I look at the caller ID. It's Eric. I answer. Sometimes I wish I never did.


"Carter?" He's crying.

"Eric, what wrong? What's going on?"

"It's Taylor. Carter, I'm so sorry."

"Eric, what the fuck are you talking about? What about her? This isn't funny."

"She called me. Told me to come over. That something was wrong and you were busy. So I got to the house, and she.. She." He sobs, my heart beat hammers in my chest.

"She's what, dammit? What the fuck is going on?"

"She's dead, Carter. Taylor is dead."

Have you ever felt like your entire world just crumbled? Like out of no where, everything you knew, everything you once believed, just deteriorated in a matter of seconds? Everything blurs around me and I feel sick. Like someone shoved their hand down my throat and clutched onto my stomach, squeezing. Squeezing. I open my door and puke everything in my stomach up. The smell of acid filling my nostrils. I close my eyes, trying to breathe. My insides screaming.

"The ambulance is taking us to the hospital, but she's dead, Carter. I'm so sorry." Another sobs comes before the call ends. I lean back into my seat and stare out into the darkness.

"She's dead." I whisper. "My best friend is dead."

Sorry you guys. I don't know what else to tell you. I'm back for a bit though! I hope you can forgive me. Vote, comment, tell me what you think. Love you my darklings!

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