7: Peanut Butterflies

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"Are you sure he's coming?" Taylor has asked the same question four times within the last twenty minutes. He's late, that's obvious, but I refuse to accept he stood us up.

"I think you're more excited to see him than me." I plainly say as I lean against my head board. My stomach growls and I sigh as I consider getting my lazy ass up for food. I'm really hungry, but I'm really comfortable.

"No. That's not it, I just want to start the movies." She waves Fifty Shades of Grey in my face and I scowl at her.

"We are not watching that Taylor. Out of discussion. Fifty Shades of Hell No." She groans and falls back on my bed. My stomach growls again so I finally decide to get up. "Let's go make snacks. If he isn't here when we finish then we can start without him." I tell her as I walk out the door, she follows behind me.

We walk down the hall and into the kitchen. Once there, I grab a couple bowls while Taylor puts a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I also pull a jar of peanut butter from the pantry. Taylor scowls at me as she opens up a bag of baby carrots from the fridge. "You can enjoy your popcorn and peanut butter, I'll stick with the healthy shit." She says as she pops a carrot into her mouth. I roll my eyes and grab a spoon from one of the drawers.

"There is no point in eating healthy when your going to puke it up later." I comment. She throws a carrot at me and I glare at her. "I think you need help." I say completely serious. She laughs and shrugs.

"I could say the same for you. Carter, we've talked about this. It's my body, what I do to it doesn't concern you." I take a slow breath, usually I'll stand down now, but after yesterday I'm really worried.

"It will concern me when it kills you. Then who will have? Huh? You're fucking killing yourself, and I don't want to watch anymore." Hurt flashes across her face as she bites into another carrot, I sigh and shake my head. "Taylor, this has gone on long enough. Just promise me you'll consider getting help." Her brown eyes look up into mine and she sighs but nods her head nonetheless.

"Fine. But you should too."

"I have nothing wrong that anyone can help with."

"Carter, your dad-" a knock comes to the door and I use it as an excuse to walk away from what she planned to say.

When I open the door, River stands nervously with a dark button down shirt only half buttoned and awkward smirk. "Hey, sorry I'm late. My car wouldn't crank so I had to skate over here." It's then that I take notice to the skateboard in his hand. I smile at him and move out of the way so he can come in.

"It's fine, we were just getting snacks ready. I didn't know you board." I say. Taylor gives him a small smile and a wave. He smiles back as he sets the board against the wall.

"It's been a while, but yeah." Taylor walks into the living room, looking over at me and waiting to be introduced.

"Cool, well this is Taylor. Taylor, you know River." She smiles widely at him and he takes her hand.

"Nice to meet you." River says with a small smirk. I feel a pang of jealousy, but ignore it.

"Okay. River, grab the popcorn. The vegan can get her carrots and no one touch my peanut butter." I command. They both offer some form of a smile and we walk to my room after grabbing our snacks.

"So what are we watching?" He asks. I see Taylor trying to sneak her porn movie into the player and I stop her.

"Taylor Penelope Quinn, I swear to god if you put that damned movie in there I will cut you." She freezes and pouts before putting the disc away and plopping on the bed. I hear River snicker and it makes me smile.

We eventually agree on an old Batman movie, and we all settle into bed, me being squished in the middle of course. I was happy though. I had my peanut butter. Half way through the movie though, River decides to steal my spoon full of peanutty goodness and eat it because he ate all the popcorn. I glare at him and I hear Taylor saying "uh oh. You touched his peanut butter."

River gives me this look saying "whatcha gonna do bout it?" And I pounce. Literally. I pounce on him. I straddle him and reach for my spoon, but I am too tiny and his arm is all the way out. I start pouting and he chuckles. "Agree to share and I'll give you the spoon." I sigh in defeat and nod, then the familiar smirk crosses his face and I suddenly become aware of our position. I try to move, but he stops me. "And you have to feed it me." Taylor giggles and I blush crimson.

"Fine. Fine. Just give me my spoon." He chuckles again and does as requested. Sure enough, I feed him my damn peanut butter. Finally sitting between the two again and eating as much as I could before he asks for another bite. By the beginning of an X-men movie, my peanut butter was gone, but the butterflies in my stomach from straddling him surely were still there. I guess you can call them Peanut Butterflies. Haha. No. Just no. I should never be a comedian.

River to the side or top!

Really Carter, you shouldn't. That's just bad, and Sharing is Caring man. You shouldn't be so bad in front of Taylor though. *wink*

Anyway, what do you think Taylor was going to say about Carter's dad?

Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think! Love you my darklings!

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