Chapter 45

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Natasha's POV

"Miss, miss, are you alright?" Suddenly, I understand what the guy infront of me is saying.

"Yeah" I realize nakaupo ako sa gitna ng kalsada so I stand up. He guided me.

"Careful. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I can manage. Thanks tho. Sorry about this" then I started to walk away.

My head hurts. Maybe I just need some sleep.

I went home and went straigh to bed. I need some peace of mind.


[Next morning]

I woke up do I explain this...feeling upset. I don't know why but the moments that suddenly flashed last night, they still feel real. Like it really happened. I'm confused, did I have an amnesia and do I now remember everything? No one told me before about having amnesia. Or did they and I forgot? I have to know.

I went downstairs and saw Mom watching tv.

"Hey. You're up early"

"Yeah, I need to ask something" I blurted out

"What is it?"

"Do I have amnesia? I vaguely remember I'm at the hospital" Mom looks confused too. Seriously, I'm really confused.

"Mom, I think I was hospitalized but I forgot why and what happened. Details aren't just clear in my head"

"Why do you want to know if you have amnesia?" Oh Gosh. What do I tell her? Uhh

"Uhh, I've been dreaming lately about same dreams. I wanted to know if I forgot those or they are just dreams" Good alibi, I hope.

"What do you think?"

"They're real." Ayokong mapunta kami sa usapan na itatanong nya kung ano ang napapanaginipan ko. Ayoko.

"What are those dreams of yours?" Here we go.

"You know what, Mom. If you don't want to answer my question, you could just said so. You don't have to tell me such things that aren't really related." I started walking to the stairs because I decided to just lock myself in my room.

"Yes, Natasha." I stopped walking. But I haven't turned around.

"The answer is yes." I started walking again and went to my room.

Shit. Those are real. I ran to my room and started crying until I fell asleep.


Sara's POV -Natasha's Mom

Oh my God. Hindi ko inakalang maalala nya ang lahat. Hindi ko inakalang mapapanaginipan nya ang lahat. Naiyak na lang ako kasi after kong sabihing totoo yun, she just ran to her room. I even heard her cry until it became silent. I went inside, she still has tears running. I'm so sorry Natasha. I love you as my real daughter. I promise that I'll protect you from everyone who will try to hurt you. Even if they are my husband and my son. You are precious to me, Natasha. I need to keep you safe.

I left her room and decided to text Lawrence and Sandra and informed about the Natasha's memory. Lawrence really wanted to come here so he could also tell her everything. But unfortunately, he's still running his works because he needs to pass all his final requirements. Good thing before all of this happened, he already finished his internship at our company. Because if not, I don't know what will happen to him. Sandra, on the other hand, I told her not to worry anymore because Lawrence and I will handle this. Especially she is on a special condition right now.

Few moments, just after a few minutes the twins arrived, Natasha is coming down from her room.

"Ate, your eyes" Nadine said.

Her eyes are really puffy from all the crying. She didn't say anything but just went beside me and hugged me. She cried again. And I can't help it but cried also. I hugged her back and suddenly the twins are also crying and hugging us.

After that, we released each other from the hug. I just cupped her face and said sorry for everything.

"I just wish Lawrence is here to tell you also everything"

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll wait for him too. I just want to make sure that my dreams are my memories. But it won't hurt if I just have to wait for a few more days." She smiled. God, help us be strong.


Natasha's POV

It's okay. It's gonna be okay.

The mantra I kept telling myself ever since my mom told me the magic words "Yes".

I know it's not but I hope everything gonna be okay. I have my mom, I have my sister, I have the twins and I have Lawrence. I have the people I love. They'll help me go through this.

Well, to be exact, I don't remember everything yet. I just remembered the day I had my accident. The day I met Lawrence. And even Harold. I just remembered where not how. Also my best friend since I was a kid was also back and that we were classmates now in college. Also, my sister suddenly bringing me to this resthouse without knowing the real reason. And some other memories to after finding out that I'm adopted. I even remembered I used the name Lex but I don't know why.

Suddenly my phone rang...



"Hi. How are you"

(I think I'm supposed to ask you that) I laughed a bit

"I'm okay. I think"

(Oh Sammy, just please, please wait for me. I want to tell you everything)

"Yeah. I'll wait. When will you be here?"

(I'll try to finish my requirements on Saturday so I can be there on the evening)

"Oh, please don't rush those. Take it easy. I won't runaway now" Suddenly he became silent on the other line. A few seconds later he started to talk again

(Just stay there, okay. I promise, I'm gonna tell you everything. About what happened to us. To you.) I smiled.

"Thank you. I'm really lucky to have you. I love you"

(I love you too)

then we hung up.

I'm really blessed to have this people around me. I just wish after he told me everything, everything will fall into place and everything will be okay.


3rd person's POV

A guy in the dark is laughing. He is like a crazy guy who could actually do anything he wants to do.

"I hope you'll all be suffering right now." he then laughed again.

He was at a dark room and looking through the window. Looking over the city full of lights, cars that are either going to their homes or to other places, people who are walking by and other stuff.

He was distracted by a sudden knock. Then someone entered the room.


"Why? Any updates?"

"Yes sir."

The guy just waited for the other person to tell him whatever update he is waiting for but suddenly the other person just gave a folder to the man and left the room.

The man scanned the contents of the folder and just threw it.

"If I'm not happy, then no one will ever be."

[A/N: Sorry this was supposed to be a revelation chapter however I re-read the whole story so I need to make  revisions first then next chapter will hopefully be the revelation chapter. Lol but I think it'll be. Haha. Anyway.  Thanks for those who still read this. I'll finish this story soon.]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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