Just kiss her already!!!!

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SJ: hey leo u know it's prom right
Leo: ya so are u asking ur girlfriend
SJ: help ya and probably my sis and her friends and her boyfriend are coming too
Leo: ohh
SJ: so who are u asking
Leo: I don't know
SJ: I think u should ask Dustin
Leo: dusty she hates
SJ: she doesn't hate u she doesn't understand u as much as i do
Leo: ok I'll ask her
SJ: good luck oh and just saying u 2 look really cute together
Leo: thanks* goes to Dustin * dusty will u go to prom with me
Dustin: uhh sure I mean I'm only saying yes cause I don't have a date
Leo: ok
( time skip to prom )
Dustin:* shows up in a short white dress with her hair down *
Leo: wow dusty u look hot I mean pretty i mean ehh is it getting hot in here
SJ: smooth move over achiever
Leo: shut up I'm trying the best i can here
SJ: ok then I'm gonna go dance with blakie later
Leos mind: u got this leo
Dustin: so u wanna dance leopard or what
Leo: uhh sure * blushes *
( everyone's dancing )
Dustin: wow leopard for a new kid ur a really good dancer
Leo: I've been practicing
Dustin: ya i bet
Leo:* smiles * u look really beautiful this way dusty
Dustin:* blushes * thanks
Dustins mind: is wrong to say I might be in love with him
( slow music starts playing )
Leo: dusty
Dustin: ya leopard
Leo: listen
Dustin: uhh * blushes *
Leo: I know this seems odd but I love u
Dustin: .....
Leo: I know u hate me but I love u
Dustin:* smirks *
Leo: huh dusty
Dustin:* surprise kisses leo *
Leo:* shocked and blushing *
SJ:* sees them kissing * damn!!!! Dustin and leo!!!
SJs my nd: i ship it so hard!!!
( to be continued )
Song: kiss u

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