King Assassination Riots (Part 2)

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(Friday, April 5th 1968)

6:30 am


Mom had the television on the news channel, for we were receiving word of the multiple people who were killed or arrested from participating in the riots due to Dr.King's death.

Dad had yet to still arrive, and Mom was stressed obviously, from the liquor bottle which she held in her right hand and in her left hand, she gripped the remote control.

I doubt she even cared to my existence at the moment.

I opened the front door, getting ready to leave to school; when I saw the same members of the Klan who killed Ms.Brown on that tragic night of my first Halloween walking down my street.

Outside, many people who were out held on to their children, watching the Klan members walk...walk towards my home?

Something else was behind them, but by the way they all traveled together in a huddle, it was unknown to what was behind them.

"M-Mom..." I managed to stutter.

"H-Have a good day at school, Ray--"

"Mom...they're coming this way."

Even though I hadn't turned around to see my Mom's, what is probably, a now perplexed face, I knew she was curious to who I was referring to.


"Mom...they're coming-"

"Wh-," she cut herself off, and I heard as she removed herself from the couch, walking to the front door.

I looked over at her, to see her reaction, and she was just as befuddled as I was. She still held on to her liquor bottle, and then she gripped on to my right arm; and with that, we made our way outside.

When we got down our front door steps, the Klan members were at the front of our gate, staring straight at us.

No weapons were on them from what I could see through the naked eye, but those cunning bastards could've been hiding anything on them.

"Bring you and that nigger kid of yours down here!"

I felt Mom grab on to my left arm and drag me along as we walked to the gate of our home, and while my Mom was maintaining a solemn face, keeping her eyes on to the Klan members, I kept trying to make sight of what they had behind their huddled group.

Was it a weapon? Perhaps it was a person? Could it be my Dad?

Every other black person on the block made their way over to our home in a careful manner, for the damage that was done in the night was still laying on the street of ours.

"Now-Now, ol' nigger gal like yourself-you ain't go out and participate in these riots of ol' King's death, did you?"

One of the Klan members were speaking toward us now and my Mom replied,

"No, sir...I haven't."

My Mom's tone of voice was shaky, fearing to what this was all leading up to.

"I bet you sho' wish you kept the rest of yo' family from doin' som' as crazy as dontcha?"

Before my Mom could answer, the Klan members moved out of the way and what was behind them caused both my Mom and I to gasp, and my Mom, who held the liquor bottle in her hand, released it, and the bottle shattered and the liquor was exposed to the sidewalk.

"Derek!" my Mom screamed.

She released her hand around my arm and quickly opening the gate, trying to get to my Dad. I stood there, panic-stricken to see my Dad in this condition.

Beaten, bashed...and bruised?

I doubt he was even conscious...

I came back to reality when I saw my Mom was on the ground, her hand covered over her cheek.

I looked up to the Klan members and saw him standing over her; his hand was still slightly raised.

Running up to my Mom, I held on to her and softly called,


She looked past me, and I knew she was staring at the Klan members.

"You want to see this ol' nigger! Here, take him!" a member yelled. I looked behind me as well, and they tossed my dad only a few inches away from me.

Both my Mom and I scurried over to him and I stared at him as my Mom grabbed him up, caressing him in her arms; my Dad was barely unrecognizable.

I could barely stand the sight of the bruises and welts that had formed on his body, and I balled my fist up, turning to the Klan members.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAD?!" I yelled, infuriated.

A Klan member stepped to me, but my Mom grabbed me up quickly and I saw she had laid Dad upon her side.

"Don't-Don't hurt my son...please," my Mom pleaded, as she kept her eyes on to the Klan members.

Instead of one of the members replying, they all grabbed up my Dad, causing my Mom and I to scream. My Mom released me and stood up, but a Klan member removed himself from holding down my Dad to grab my Mom.

They started to stomp on my Dad, kicking him repeatedly in the face, and upon his sides. One of them removed something from their outfit and there he held a black nightstick and begin to brutally beat my Dad.

The people surrounding stood back and watched in total awe; and I ran up to the Klan members, screaming for them to stop.

The one with the nightstick had quit from beating my Dad and turned to me. He raised the nightstick and it came upon me, hitting me forcefully, in the eye.

I fell back and held on to my eye, feeling nothing but excruciating pain

Yet, I still ran back towards my Dad, but someone from the staring crowd grabbed me up and I screamed and kicked to get out of their arms.

All the Mom was being held back and forced to watch watch as our Dad was beaten to death.

And once the Klan was satisfied, they removed themselves from my Dad's now lifeless body. The Klan member who held on to my Mom released her, and my Mom ran up to my Dad, crying and holding on to his body.

And for the first time I could remember...I cried. Cried...not only out of sadness...but out of anger.

For my anger for the white man had penetrated throughout my soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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