King Assassination Riots (Part 1)

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Thursday, April 4th 1968


It was 7:08pm and my family sat in the Living room with the TV on. We had a channel that played music by black artists. Currently, Stay by Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs was playing. My Mom and Dad were dancing around the room.

I giggled as I watched the two of them, smiling and dancing along to the beat. My Dad sung along horribly with the music, but I only laughed.

As the song was coming to an end, the music was stopped and a solemn voice spoke out,

"The following is a Public Service Announcement, at 7:05pm, Dr.Martin Luther King Jr was declared dead at St.Joseph's Hospital due to a fatal gun shot. We will provide more information when the following is provided."

And with that, the Announcement went off and the music continued to play.

But, to us in that room, the music wasn't even playing. To us in that room, nothing was going around in our minds except that Dr.King...was dead.

My Dad broke away from my Mom, and with silence, he walked out of the front door. My Mom ran to the door, calling after him; but I didn't hear him respond.

Moments later, my Mom reappeared in the living room and I set my gaze upon her. She spoke in a barely audible voice and pointed down the hall,

"Go on to still have school tomorrow."

"Where's Da-"

"Go on now," my Mom spoke in a stern voice. Reluctantly, I slid off the couch and made my way to my room.



I could hear on the outside of our home, multiple gun shots ranged out, you could hear rage in people's voices who were protesting, arguing, hearing the screams and cries of others, and the ambulance, police cars, and firetrucks were driving throughout the road.

I began to fear where my Dad was at now.

Perhaps he was taking part of the actions that's happening on our very road?


The moon shone brightly in my face and I sat up from laying down on my bed. Through my wall, in my parents bedroom which was beside mine, I could hear my Mom crying.

I think she believed something had happened to Dad. I wanted to go comfort her, tell her Dad would be back soon...but I didn't believe that.

I went over to my window and peeked out of the window, and what I saw had me appalled. In the middle of the street, cars were turned over, glass from other cars were shattered on to the road, many people were running around the streets, and from the objects in their pocket which had glistened as the moonlight shone on them caused a queasy feeling in my stomach.

I heard gunshots from afar, and I quickly climbed back in to the bed, throwing the covers over my head.

I felt the urge to cry, but held that in as I closed my eyes and clasped my hands together, silently praying that my Dad was okay...

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